
SEO Tools: Which Ones Improve Your Social Media Marketing Results?

Social media marketing is rarely easy. It’s fun, that’s for sure. But the work behind the posts on multiple platforms, the images and videos — everything requires timing and consistency to deliver the results your business needs.

As any will tell you, timing and consistency are better achieved with the right set of tools.

You’ll have several options in managing social content, creating visually appealing posts and gaining insights that inform your overall social strategy.

But did you know that some SEO tools also help make your social media marketing work easier — even faster?

We have a list of SEO tools here that should help you realize some of your online marketing goals. Let’s start with one of the most popular ones.

Ahrefs is a professional tool for marketers that will help you find the right keyword to optimize your site, content and other internet marketing campaigns. There are paid versions of the tool, but there is a free version if you want to test it out. 

It’ll give you a thorough understanding of keywords and give you access to backlink information on your URL or any other URL you want to check up on. When it comes to backlink analysis, Ahrefs will give you data on referring domains, URL and domain ratings, among others.

This is important in SEO because it helps you detect keyword gaps and allow you to scope and analyze the competition. It’s a tool that can provide you with the backbone to plan your next SEO strategy.

How to use for social media marketing:

Keywords are the driving force of social media marketing. Aside from knowing which keywords are relevant to users, Ahrefs can also help you choose more accurate themes and topics that can trend for your social media posts.

Another feature that Ahrefs has is which allows you to find people who are blogging about topics that are related to your brand. Chances are people who have established themselves in that field will pop up in the results. This could be a great way to find and that could represent your brand on social media.

Ahrefs can also help you look for authors or content creators of popular industry websites. You can reach out to them and collaborate with them on social. 

For example, if you have a website or publication in mind and you’re thinking of partnering with its contributors, it will be tedious to dig up these authors one by one, check out their bio and go to their social media profile. With Content Explorer, you can do all these with a click. Just enter the publication site and the list of authors linked to that site will appear, along with the number of followers in their social media profile, list of articles they’ve contributed, and more.

Best used as:

Another tool to aid you in your link building campaign is Moz Link Explorer. Before reaching out to prospects, make sure that they’re trustworthy and relevant to your website. One way to do this is to do link analysis.

With Moz Link Explorer, you’ll be able to get insight into the most relevant and impactful links you can use for your website. 

The free version will give you a free link analysis. If you get the paid version, you can access other features and get data, such as link building opportunities, the website’s spam scores and the site’s top-performing content.

Just type the URL you want to check out and then automatically gain data about the links that are coming in and out of the site.

How to use for social media marketing:

Moz can use social media to amplify link building activities by searching for link-likely-outreach-targets. In link building, you’re looking for the right kinds of people who will be likely to link to you if you reach out to them. 

It also has MozBar, a tool that lets you analyze important search, social media and page metrics of any site you visit right in your Chrome browser. You can use this to look for influencers to collaborate with, research new content to post, or find new keywords.

Best used as:

Rank Ranger is a keyword tracking tool that allows you to monitor keyword rankings accurately. You can use this for desktop rank tracking, local search rankings (to track your ) and even mobile rank tracking.

This tool lets you check your ranking and monitor the position of keywords that your website is ranking.

Tracking your keywords and whether your pages are ranking for them are crucial because it gives you information about where you stand on the market. Also, keyword ranking is one of the key performance indicators that will determine the success of your SEO campaign. 

Google Search Console lets you view which keywords are ranking for your website, however, for more accurate information and keyword positions, use a dedicated keyword tracking tool like Rank Ranger.

Aside from being able to track keywords from multiple vantage points, it also comes with customer insights graphs with metrics from various data sources, like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Bing Webmaster Tools.

How to use for social media marketing:

Rank Ranger has a feature that’s built to focus on monitoring the engagement and results of all your company’s social media profiles. This tool also provides you with insights like popular content, geographical data, page views, visits, and other information you can use to maximize the results of your social media marketing campaign.

Best used as:

Google Search Console (GSC) is a free tool from Google and a favorite of SEO experts. It’s one of the most important and powerful digital marketing tools for monitoring your SEO campaigns. 

GSC provides you with all the important metrics you need to check your website performance and SEO efforts. You’ll have a quick view of impressions and clicks, high ranking pages, and discover which keywords are resulting in traffic. 

Since this is part of the Google ecosystem, you can easily integrate GSC into Google Data Studio for more detailed reporting.

How to use for social media marketing:

Google Search Console Insights help you see what your best-performing pieces of content are and your site’s top trending queries on Google Search. 

Content can include what kinds of products or services visitors are checking out the most. This can then help you make a data-driven decision on what to post and publish on your social media sites, as well as give you an idea on what type of content can be boosted with ads.

Best used as: 

Google Analytics (GA) is a free tool. It tracks user behavior, conversions and more. Whereas Google Search Console is used to see how well your website performs on search engines, GA focuses more on user interaction and tracking where the traffic is coming from

You’ll see more data dealing with users, like what device they used to access your website, where they came from, and the demographics breakdown of your visitors. One feature that might be especially helpful to those that want to track the user journey would be behavior flows. Using flows, you can see what are the typical behaviors of users that visit your site, starting from your homepage. That could help you figure out if you should change any of your internal links to help users get to the pages that convert the most.

With the information that this tool provides, you can focus on SEO initiatives that deliver better results for your SEO campaign. Google Analytics allows you to compare metrics from different periods and enables you to monitor metrics in detail, allowing you to adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

How to use for social media marketing:

Since Google Analytics mainly focus on user data, it’s helpful in gauging how effective your social media campaigns are, and how your social media accounts are being used in the whole buying process.

GA has the acquisition tab where you can group various marketing channels (organic, direct, social media, email, etc.) and check real-time data about user acquisition, behavior, and more. 

The tool shows data from all of your social media accounts and the exact numbers that each of them generated.  It allows you to see traffic coming from each social network which will help you determine which ones are contributing the most for your business. By manually setting the goal, you can check the acquisition, bounce rate, and even the conversion rate.

Another great use for it is that you can detect high performing website content and see where the traffic on the page comes from in detail. This will let you know which content works for what channel. 

Google also has a that lets you learn everything you need to know about Google Analytics.

Best used as:

Link building initiatives remain to be an important part of any SEO campaign. When done right, link building will not only increase your web rankings, visibility and traffic, but also boost sales. When it comes to building tools, one of the must-haves is BuzzStream.

BuzzStream automates the outreach process, so you don’t have to manually email hundreds of prospects.

How to use for social media marketing:

BuzzStream allows you to maximize the use of your social media accounts by helping you build and manage relationships with influencers who have previously engaged with you. 

Its BuzzMarker tool can also help you gather information about influencers and writers whom you’ve discovered online and may want to collaborate with in the future. You can do this individually or in bulk right from the Google search results pages. You can view user information, such as geographical location, website, domain authority scoreand existing social media accounts.

Best used as:

Rank Ranger is a keyword tracking tool that allows you to monitor keyword rankings accurately. You can use this for desktop rank tracking, local search rankings (to track your ) and even mobile rank tracking.

This tool lets you check your ranking and monitor the position of keywords that your website is ranking.

Tracking your keywords and whether your pages are ranking for them are crucial because it gives you information about where you stand on the market. Also, keyword ranking is one of the key performance indicators that will determine the success of your SEO campaign. 

Google Search Console lets you view which keywords are ranking for your website, however, for more accurate information and keyword positions, use a dedicated keyword tracking tool like Rank Ranger.

Aside from being able to track keywords from multiple vantage points, it also comes with customer insights graphs with metrics from various data sources, like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Bing Webmaster Tools.

How to use for social media marketing:

Rank Ranger has a feature that’s built to focus on monitoring the engagement and results of all your company’s social media profiles. This tool also provides you with insights like popular content, geographical data, page views, visits, and other information you can use to maximize the results of your social media marketing campaign.

Best used as:

Manage Your Social Marketing for Better Results

Every marketing tactic must be based on an overall strategy. Without a cohesive strategy, your hard work on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram may go to waste. And the lucrative opportunities that social media channels present may be lost. 

“Waste” and “lost” do not have a place in your social strategy.

Save time and resources with the right tools, including ones designed for SEO, to manage your social strategy better, , and get ahead of your competitors today.

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