
SEO – Getting Customers for Your Local and National Business

SEO is an investment, not an expense with no return. If there was no return then SEO would not be a global multi-billion dollar business. For the vast majority of businesses selling online, ranking on searches is absolutely critical. Some businesses operate purely through referral, but that is a minority and they also can benefit hugely from organic ranking on search engines – by which we usually mean Google.

SEO means BEING FOUND amongst the billions and billions of websites on the web. We explain what you need to achieve that below, but let’s first look at the rewards:

1) Position 1 on Google gets 32% of clicks 

2) Position 2 on Google gets 17% of clicks

3) Position 3 on Google gets 8% of clicks

That’s a great question. The investigations we’ve done recently show that the paid ads at the top of the page take 32% of the clicks, except for very competitive ads for retail type products where they can take 60%. Desktop users are more likely to go for organic results and using SEO alone for a business with mainly mobile traffic can be risky. Every business needs to evaluate on its own merits.  For the purposes of approximate calculations, we are going to assume that Google Ads take 35% of the clicks.

SEO begins at home – on your landing page, in your content and all through your website. We call this On-Site SEO, and if you don’t get that right, you’re wasting your time and money on SEO contracts.

Content Counts – the whole purpose of search engines is to return to users the best quality websites for their purpose. If your content is not of the right quality, if it is not also seeded with the right keywords and if its SEO structure is not correct – you won’t rank.

Once you site is correctly structured and the content is of high quality, the next thing you need is a carefully designed input of external links. These come from a  variety of sources and the cost depends very much on whether you want to rank locally, nationally or internationally.  Put all three tiers of SEO together and you will rank.

Our SEO strategies will earn your site a higher ranking in search results. We’ll provide a full SEO keyword rankings report, a link building profile report and indexed page information. Our SEO  customer focused team will improve your traffic flow and increase sales for your online business operations.

SEO   is the lifeline of Australian online marketing. We offer our valued business clients a high quality and affordable package. Leave the rest up to us as our experts are trained on the latest guidelines from the world’s biggest search engine – Google (which is our main focus).

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