
Google’s Planning a Big Update to Chrome for Third-Party Cookies – Small Business Design, SEO, and Marketing Blog | High Level Marketing

Sounds delicious? Well, not those kinds of cookies. We’re talking about the ones used to track users across multiple websites to deliver targeted advertising. The update by Google is a big win for privacy, but also for Google.

To quote Wired:

“Google Chrome is ditching third-party cookies for good. If all goes according to plan then future updates to the world’s most popular web browser will rewrite the rules of online advertising and make it far harder to track the web activity of billions of people. But it’s not that simple. What seems like a big win for privacy may, ultimately, only serve to tighten Google’s grip on the advertising industry and web as a whole.”

If you currently use Google Chrome at the moment to visit websites, there’s a very high chance those websites are adding a third-party cookie to your device and using that information to display advertisements to you online. This is the fundamental technology behind why after you’ve been looking at a product on a website, you see advertisements for that product on other websites.

Critics and regulators argue the move risks putting smaller advertising firms out of business and could harm websites that rely on adverts to make money. For most people, the change will be invisible but, behind the scenes, Google is planning to put Chrome in control of some of the advertising process.

How we see this update being challenging

Could increase spend and add wasted spend to campaign

Because Chrome is one of the most popular browsers, the update will give Google a more favorable position in digital advertising meaning it’s likely costs will rise due to an increase in competition

How are we seeing opportunities from this update

All advertisers will be impacted by this update and those not using professional PPC advertising services will be at a disadvantage

Google will be implementing more sophisticated interest targeting which may prove for better campaign results overall

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