
SEO for Financial Services: What It Means and How To Use It | Constant Contact

If you’re not sure what search engine optimization (SEO) is, you could be missing out on a lot of money. When it comes to low-cost, easy-to-use tactics for reliable profitability, SEO for financial services is tough to beat. In this guide, you’ll learn more about SEO and how to use it for your company.

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What is SEO for financial services? 

In this case, SEO isn’t referring to “seasoned equity offering.” When referring to online marketing, SEO means Search Engine Optimization and it does exactly what the name suggests — it makes your content and website optimized for search engines, Google in particular. 

There are several steps involved in financial service marketing, but you can’t overlook SEO. So, how does SEO work?

By using the right methods, you’ll let Google know that you’re a trusted and viable website. You will target certain keywords and phrases, and then build content around these phrases. When people search with Google for these phrases and words, your website will appear on the first page.

SEO can be used on many different pages across your website. Put the right words in the right places with some links, and you’re well on your way to a successful SEO campaign.

How SEO fits into a financial advisor marketing plan

The principal steps to financial service marketing (mentioned earlier) have a lot of space for SEO to fit into. For example, the first step entails building your own website. This is the hotspot for SEO, and it’s where most of your efforts should be directed.

If you build your website with SEO techniques in mind, you’ll see a major boost to your online presence. More people will visit, and many of the interactions will lead to a sale. SEO for financial services is a surefire way to get eyes on your site and money in your pocket.

SEO is a completely free method to advertise your services. The alternative would be paying Google every time someone clicks the links to your site. Instead, you can focus on a strong SEO presence and generate unique views on your own.

How to implement SEO into a financial services website

But where does the SEO go? 

SEO on your financial services website can go anywhere and everywhere. You need to be careful not to overdo it, but the bottom line is that every page on your website should use SEO best practices.

Google will evaluate every webpage before suggesting you to searchers. If all of your pages are using SEO methods, then you’ll stand a good chance of appearing in their search result.

Keep in mind, SEO isn’t an immediate reaction. It takes time to build a following and have Google trust you. When you’re looking to implement SEO, there’s no need to rush or go out of your way waiting. Increase your site’s SEO at whatever pace feels comfortable to you.

How to do keyword research to identify the best keywords for your financial services business

Earlier, you learned that keywords and phrases are used in an SEO campaign. How are you supposed to find these words? Here are some simple methods to conduct keyword research in SEO for financial services.

Brainstorm your own words

Since you’re an expert in finance, you should know the right terms to use. That’s why the first way to do keyword research is to brainstorm your own phrases or words. What terms would a customer need to use in order to connect them to your business?

If you’re looking for a burger in your area, you might search “good burger near me.” The same principle is being used here. You want to target phrases and words that a potential client will use. 

This means avoiding super intricate industry terms or jargon that the everyday person doesn’t know. Unless you’re targeting finance experts, SEO for financial advisors should be rather entry-level. You’d be surprised how often your simple brainstormed words show up on a professionally-made SEO list.

This is also your opportunity to use locational phrases. “best burgers in LA” will only show burger joints in Los Angeles. The same is true for your financial services.

Get some help from Google

Need help brainstorming? Go see what Google has to say. 

When you start typing a phrase, Google will make some suggestions that are commonly searched. This is called the “auto-complete feature.” Targeting these phrases is one way to implement the phrases that are commonly used by your potential customers.

After your search, make sure to check out the “related searches” on the page. Again, these are searches that are commonly looked up.

Analyze the rankability

When you look at the rankability of a keyword or phrase, there are two major metrics you want to look at: the search volume and the competition level.

What is search volume?

You might be able to make some assumptions here. Search volume is how many times the phrase is searched for each month. 

You can filter this result to show searches by region, state, or country. This is the potential pool of people that you’ll bring to your company.

If a term is searched 50,000 times a month, there’s a big opportunity. Alternatively, if a phrase is searched 100 times, you might be in trouble.

The only exception to this idea is if a very specific term is searched for 100 times a month. This is called a long-tail keyword. Targeting long-tail keywords will connect you with a small but specific group of people. It’s a viable option when it comes to SEO.

What is competition level?

The competition level of a phrase refers to how many other financial companies are targeting that phrase. The more competitive a phrase, the harder it is to take the prime SEO spot and the top result in Google.

If a phrase has a high search volume and a high competition level, this is a very expensive keyword. If you can climb your way up the SEO ladder, there’s a lot of promise.

This combination of metrics also determines how expensive a Google ad is for this specific keyword. A good way to think about SEO is as a free alternative to a Google ad.

How financial content marketing can really boost financial services SEO

Content marketing should be a crucial part of your financial services company. Since the vast majority of web searchers use Google, SEO can help you in a big way. Content marketing refers to blogs, videos, podcasts, and infographics that you put together. 

Every one of these forms of content can incorporate SEO. Using the right keyphrases, targeting the right words, and using links to build trust will enhance your SEO. Financial content marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand.

Now that you know more about SEO for financial services, you can start optimizing your website. If you need help, you can use this Website Builder that has SEO integrated in order to enhance your website. It’s one of many SEO tools to help your business succeed and make more money.

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