
Social Media Marketing Agency | Longitude°

The Content Your Brand Needs.

We all know social media is an important tool, but the reality is most leaders don’t have the time, experience, or desire to make it a priority.

Creating new customer relationships, staying in front of your audience, and building brand loyalty are all great reasons to enlist help from a social media marketing agency such as Longitude. Our team is committed to providing strategy, creativity, and support to help you increase sales, bring in new business, and send the perfect message to your ideal customer.

Social Planning & Strategy

Working with your brand’s goals, mission, and voice in mind we help you develop a strategy set up to win. Monthly and quarterly brainstorming and planning meetings ensure that we’re staying ahead of the trends, and not letting your brand go stagnant with meaningless fodder.

Creative Content Production

We can create and produce many types of creative content for your brand with our in-house team of creatives, copywriters, designers, videographers, photographers, and 3D Artists. Set your brand above the competition with content geared toward inspiring your audience, growing your brand, telling a great story, and driving more business.

Social Media Advertising

Let Longitude° help you get your brand in front of your ideal target audience and drive more customers through your doors. With targeted and strategic social media advertising, we help you engage, inform, and excite your audience with captivating and creative ads.

“[Longitude] walked us thru a very thought-based process helping us better identify our clients and understanding their needs in terms of management, development, and investment opportunities.”

“Longitude’s methodical process helped our team (with divergent points of view) shape our company’s new brand positioning. We were able to come together and create a clear and cohesive brand strategy thanks to [their] expertise.”

“Longitude’s ability to take what is in my heart and present it to my customers is one of the best forms of art I’ve ever experienced.”

“You guys are awesome. Best experience compared to every other marketing agency we’ve worked with. Exactly what we hoped for, and more.”

A Case Study

Our commitment to our clients alongside our strategic and creative expertise provides a springboard for growth through social media channels and efforts. Here is just one case study of the results we saw for a small business.

  • Within a period of 4 months, our marketing efforts directly contributed to over $9,000+ in revenue
  • 6,353 new customers added to the database. Including emails, and phone numbers.
  • An increase of 11,973+ new followers on social media
  • Engagement increased by 365,949 people — 148% growth
  • Brand reach on social media experienced 191% growth

Let’s Talk About Your Social Media

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Meet Longitude° — Your Creative Marketing Agency.

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Impactful brand experiences that drive sustainable growth, happier guests, and inspired staff.

Independently owned hotels face many hurdles that “big chain hotels” do not. For this reason, it’s important to understand how you can leverage a brand strategy to shift the court in your favor. “A Brand Worth Booking” is a stepping stone for getting you on the right path toward building a profitable reputation for your hotel.

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