
Therapist And Psychologist Facebook AD Management | Social Media Marketing Christchurch NZ | Melia Marketing Solutions

Many businesses do not fully understand what social media marketing is really about. They have a very simplistic view of social media marketing, which is very Facebook orientated. It is assumed that the company writes and advert in a post and possibly adds a picture, and that is all that is required. That is not a FB ad, that is a post and they’re worlds apart. Yes, Facebook is the 1000 gorilla in the social game with nearly 1.69 billion users active, on average, 5 times per days. As great as Facebook is, it is a beast and without in-depth knowledge on how the platform works, it will swallow you and your budget up. It’s an ever-changing digital landscape where you need to know how it works in 2020 to see a positive ROI.

If you do choose to use Facebook advertising then you will make far better use of your advertising investment if you take advantage of the services of a Facebook ads management company. Before we go on to explain what social media marketing is, let me give you an example of an excellent social media campaign.

Starbucks has a history of producing very active social media campaigns. This campaign made a significant impact on sales. In April 2017, they launched a campaign to promote their new Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino.

Starbucks began by swamping social media with pictures of the new drink, and a request for readers to show their photos of where they were enjoying one of the distinctive beverages, together with the hashtag #unicornfrappuccino Customers got into this and started posting all sorts of weird and wonderful photos, which were shared because of the hashtag, Starbucks was able to check through the best photos (most striking, most amusing,
etc.) they then shared them, which encouraged others to create even stranger photos.

This $5 beverage was so popular that during the limited time, the drink was available (one week). There were over 180,000 social media posts where customers were engaging with the product online. The drink also led to a quarterly sales increase of 4% In March 2017. Now THAT is a social media campaign.

Which Social Media?

There is much more to using social media than just Facebook. Yes, Facebook & Instagram are best bang for you buck offering incredible targeting capabilities but there are options. Often we target depending on the prospect demographic. For example, the age group of your customers. Some examples of these preference ranges are:-


Facebook: Female 75% | Male 63%
Twitter:      Female 21% | Male 24%
Linkedin:   Female 24% | Male 29%
Pinterest:  Female 42% | Male 15%
SnapChat: Female 24% | Female 24%


Facebook:  51% (13 to 17) | 79% (18 to 29) | 79% (30 to 49) | 68% (50 to 64) | 46% (65+)
Twitter:      32% (13 to 17) | 38% (18 to 29) | 26% (30 to 49) | 17% (50 to 64) | 7% (65+)
LinkedIn:    0% (13 to 17) | 28% (18 to 29) | 37% (30 to 49) | 24% (50 to 64) | 11% (65+)
Pinterest:   0% (13 to 17) | 34% (18 to 29) | 35% (30 to 49) | 27% (50 to 64) | 15% (65+)
SnapChat:  69% (13 to 17) | 62% (18 to 29) | 25% (30 to 49) | 9% (50 to 64) | 3% (65+)
YouTube:    85% (13 to 17) | 91% (18 to 29) : 87% (30 to 49) | 79% (50 to 64) | 38% (65+)

As you can see, Pinterest is much better if your products are aimed at females than males, and there is little point in worrying about Instagram if your regular customers are over 65. Facebook is by far the platform most popular with senior citizens.

Understanding the age groups and genders that frequent different social media platforms is just one of the things that good Social Media consultants will understand. Melia Marketing has extensive knowledge of the numbers involved in social media and can make your efforts really pay off.

It is not just the numbers, and an excellent Social media company will know which platform will more likely have an audience that engages with posts
Do you know which Social media platforms are most popular with the more affluent? Our Social Media Consultant will have access to those statistics and can advise you.

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