
WordPress Redirect Plugin for SEO, 1ON1 URL Redirection Plugin

WordPress Redirect Plugin 1ON1 URL Redirects

We’d like to introduce you to our WordPress redirect plugin “1ON1 URL Redirects” that was specifically designed to create SEO friendly redirects and solve duplicate content issue and potential of “Google Dance” due to indexing of WordPress Tags.

301 Redirects with Tags to post redirection option, which means when you view the tag it redirects to the assigned post or page of the tag which helps with SEO and resolves duplicate content issue. This plugin has three redirect functionalities – “URL Redirects”, “Individual Redirects” and “Global Tag Redirects”:


INDIVIDUAL REDIRECTS (for existing pages/posts)


This feature was created to eliminate one of the “duplicate issues” that wordpress creates by having the same content displayed via tags urls. By check-marking “Tag Redirection Setting” to “Enable Tag Redirection” it will redirect all of the tags to the post or page that they are assigned to. For example, let’s say Tag1 is assigned to mywebsite.com/blog/mypost. By enabling “Tag Redirects” it will automatically redirect mywebsite.com/tag/tag1 to mywebsite.com/blog/mypost

For best results use some form of WordPress Permalink structure. If you have other Redirect plugins installed, it is recommended that you use only one redirect plugin or they may conflict with each other or one may take over before the other can do its job.

What You CAN Do With Our WordPress URL Redirect Plugin:

What You CAN NOT DO With Our WordPress Redirect Plugin:


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