
What is SEO 2/2 – Language Teaching Professionals | Language Teaching Professionals

What is SEO 2/2


It’s J.​

I’m sorry that it’s been a long time since the last article on SEO measures.​

One of our staff members had close contact with a person infected with the coronavirus.​

I was very busy with adjusting various things and taking care of the parents. ​

(Of course, the staff tried to avoid three Cs (三密) as much as possible, but since it’s everywhere now, ​ I would say the staff was just unlucky to get in the situation)​

About 20 people have taken a break or have requested a refund. ​

But all the parents were very understanding, and the school continued to open. ​

I would like to write an article about how we handled the situation sometime in the future. ​

Anyways, the previous article on SEO measures,​

You may have forgotten it, ​

so I’ll put the link just in case.​


Before I wrote this article,​

I was like, ​

“What did you write?”​

So I had to look back as well. lol​


“SEO measures that only you can do, and it’s easy.”​

it is “writing a blog.”​

If you write a blog and gain access, Google algorithm thinks your blogs/websites are something that many people need.”​

Then it will be displayed at the top.​

I will make it very easy for you so that you can start right now. ​

Here are 3 steps. ​

1. Select a keyword​

2. Write an article ​

3. Think about the composition​

Now, ​

1. Select a keyword​

“How do you choose a keyword?”​

There are two ways, ​

1st – Use tools​
Keyword Planner by Google​
Click here for how to use ↓​

A tool released by Neil Patel, a famous SEO person.​
This is also free and quite excellent.​

However, it is difficult to get used to any tools like these. ​

So I have listed the keywords for you. ​

Because you might be thinking, ​

“I want to write a blog right now!”​
“Those tools are too hard to use.”​

And I understand that feeling. ​

The keywords are based on my 12 years of experience working in this industry and doing a lot of research by using the tools listed above. ​

Here they are, ​

町名 子供 英会話 (Town name Children English conversation​
町名 英会話 (Town name English conversation​
町名 大人 英会話 (Town name Adult English conversation​
子供 英会話 口コミ – (kids English conversation word of mouth​
子供 英会話 無料体験 (kids English conversation free trial)​

There is a lot of search volume for such keywords.​

If your school appears at the top with the keywords with the town name, then you can change them like this, ​

Town name → City name​
Town name → Prefecture name​

Second-Ask existing students​
This is the easiest method, but it works quite well.​

You can ask the ones who found out about your school through Google search​

It’s easy, free, and effective! ​

2. Write an article​
Of course, I don’t mean to say, ​

you can write an article as you like.​

“Write an article specifically using ​ keywords.”​

That is very important.​

For example, the keyword you are aiming for is​

“kids, english conversation, free trial”.​

And here is the article we wrote for it.​


free trials – 47 times ​
kids – 18 times​
English conversations – 9 times ​

Those 3 keywords have been used many times. ​

In this case, Google’s algorithm thinks, ​

your article is specialized at, ​

“kids, english conversation, free trial”.​

Then it will be displayed at the top.​

By the way, in the title,​

you should naturally have those keywords, ​

“kids, english conversation, free trial”.​

Then it’s easy for Google algorithm to find the article. ​

3. Think about the configuration​

There are two critical points when considering the composition.​

1.Insert a summary ​
You must have a summary in the begging. ​
And in the summary, it is very effective to include keywords at the begging of it. ​

Readers decide if they keep reading the article by reading the summary, so please put a lot of effort into writing it! ​

2. Add a heading ​
Generally, headings have the following structure. ​

Large heading (h1) –It’s almost always the title. ​

Medium heading (h2) ​

Subheading (h3) ​

like this, ​

https://blackbirdesolutions.com/files/2020/01/heading-and-content-structure.png ​

Having your intended keywords in those heading would be effective as well. ​

Also, having an Index is important. ​
If you use WordPress, it’s easy, and you can use this plugin. ​


That’s all. ​

Let me review the 3 steps for you, ​

1. Select a keyword​

2. Write an article ​

3. Think about the composition​

I introduced many techniques, but the essential thing is updating your blog regularly for a long time.​

If you continue even little by little, your website will definitely be displayed in a higher place. ​

I’ve summarized it pretty simple, ​ but how was it?​

Some things might have been difficult, but please give it a try! ​

Hope this article helps you! ​

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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