
VISIBILIYAY Membership | Maddy Shine SEO Queen & Visibility Coach

…you wish you were more consistent with promoting your business but, well, you’re not

…you’re spending countless hours in front of your laptop trying to work it all out and feel like you’re screaming into the void

….you’ve tried Googling the answers, but to be honest not much comes up for “Am I doing this wrong?”

…you wonder how everyone else seems to be doing it all, marketing their business so effectively and still having a life…

…you’re feeling like everyone else knows what they’re doing, meanwhile you’re terrified of getting it all wrong, saying the wrong thing, or worse add comma here putting it all out there and still no takers.

…you feel like each time you post some content and you don’t get a sale that you should just quit

…you’re sitting there wondering how to find and connect with more business owners like you, if only there was some kind of guarantee that they were on the same path as you, and you could share your triumphs and challenges together?

you think you need to be doing a lot more to be visible but you feel completely lost for how to actually do it, and don’t even mention the bloody tech that must be involved…let alone the self-doubt that comes creeping in – how do I know if any of it makes any difference?

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