
Video Marketing Tips: Ways Video Can Help Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Everyone has heard the statement “content is king”. It is a great way to attract, engage, and then convert your customers online. However, it is also important to consider how the content is presented to the audience. Currently, video content is clearly one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. Whether you plan to use corporate video or explainer video, this type of content should be a part of your marketing strategy.  

Video Marketing Insights for Your Marketing Strategy

If you need more convincing as to why you should use video marketing, this State of Video Marketing Report for 2018 will convince you. This report provides some useful statistics on the effectiveness of using video production in businesses. Here are some of the insights that will convince you to add video to your marketing strategy.

  • 72% of consumers prefer watching a video to learn about a brand, product, or service than read about it
  • 97% of marketers says that video has helped them increase user understanding of their product
  • 76% of marketers says that video helped them increase sales
  • 80% of marketers say video has increased dwell time on their website
  • 95% of consumers prefer to watched an explainer video if they want to learn more about a product or service

Ways to Use Video for Your Marketing Strategy

The statistics mentioned above show how effective video is becoming to have a successful marketing strategy. If it has already convinced you, you may be asking yourself how you can use video to promote your brand. Here are some ways for you to do it:

Website – if you want to reduce your site bounce rate, you can use videos to engage your audience. You can use an explainer video to help your audience better understand your service or a welcome video that visitors can use to learn more about your brand.

Social Media – this is one of the most common ways for you to use a video. Most brands with social media accounts share videos online. As compared to other type of content videos are engaging and the social media platforms make it easy to watch and share them. You can use the video for paid ads or promotions on social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram or Facebook. This will help broaden your reach and even maximize your marketing efforts.

Blog – another popular way to share your video content is through blog. Why limit yourself to just sharing it on social media if you can also embed it in on blogs? Videos can strengthen your blogs. For example, you can use an explainer video for your “how to” blogs to better inform your readers about your brand.

Newsletters – just like social media, newsletters let you get the video in front of the right audience. You can do this without even waiting for them to look for the on their own. Adding a video that supports the theme of your newsletter can even reinforce the topic. People are more likely to watch a video to better understand something that they have read about.

If you need help with video production, one company which can help you is Reelmedia Pte. Ltd. They are known in Singapore for delivering quality video production solutions. Check out their website for details.

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