
Things to Consider When Redesigning a Website – SEO Discovery Blog

First, you should know why there is a need to redesign a website. Three things should be considered- how does the design look outdated? Are your conversions/sales decreasing? And have you received complaints about your user experience or any design-related issues you are facing? If you face these things, then a need for redesigning is necessary. If you want to rebrand your business, then a site redesign will help bolster your efforts.

The approach of a risky website redesign

Many agencies and other marketing departments don’t consider any type of risk mitigation and to understand this you need to think about the number of individual changes that are made during the process of redesign. After getting this, multiply this by the depth of changes for every element and note down the laundry list of changes proposed during a creative meeting. Now by changing the home page headline, imagery, site-wide template layout, navigation bar design, fonts, shopping cart, or any form of layout you prefer and many more things related. 

Effects of website redesign changes 

Many marketers don’t test the page templates and landing pages that are changed during the process of redesigning. And then there is no system to check the changes against the key conversion metrics and these risks can only be done with a rigorous conversion optimization strategy. This will need a process that includes a proper understanding of the target audience you are looking for, prioritizing test hypotheses so that you can solve all the issues which are obstructing conversions, setting up a proper split test, and at last analysing the insights from the data to make changes. There are many companies that are using a structured process that includes A/B testing as part of conversion optimization strategies such as WineExpress, Iron Mountain, and many more which are getting significant sales from the lift by reducing all the risk. 

Evolutionary site design for a better approach

After a proper testing and proven system so that you can execute testing for doing the proper redesigning changes as it is critical for online marketer now. You will find that the “revolutionary” redesigning can be most dangerous for many companies. When there is a need then it should be proper, less risky, approaches that involve a process of testing with incremental improvements or changes. 

Basically, there is two difference between ESR and the traditional revolutionary site design approach:

First it is very fast

If you are doing the traditional redesigning then the marketing departments are usually fed-up with the process. And in this contrast, ESR always creates a system that provides continuous changes so that your website will be leading the pack. 

Second is the success criteria

There are rules in traditional redesign like UX practitioners and maybe the staff can be talented but not batter hits and many things are likely to hurt the site results. But with the ESR there are many changes that are measured in controlled A/B and split tests against the effect on the goals. The RSR approach will leave your site with many errors and continuously falling behind in the intervals between many redesigns. And with the ESR your site will keep up and surpass the success of the rest of the web and it essentially uses the conversion rate optimization principles to redesigning. 

How does the ESR eliminate the website redesigns?

With an evolutionary site, the design approach will guard you against the site risks as it will dramatically be improving your website every time. And also your site will get help from ESR by implementing a proper system of continuous A/B testing throughout the entire site and also digital marketing. So don’t rely on gut feeling and your flawed intuition your all decisions for your website should be done against the crucible of the user’s actions. 

Test everything in your marketing part

• Site-wide design styles, logo, header, and the tagline

• The product page templates, landing page layout and is content

• The product or services value proposition statements required

• The lead generation forms, cart, and the checkout page

• Home page layout, eye flow, and merchandising

• Imagery, copywriting, ads, calls to action, and the offers for the users

Your website should be continuously updating your design by testing the major site-wide elements which combine to create the look and feel like header, nav, PCTA, headlines, repeating listing areas, etc.

Reasons to use the Evolutionary Site Redesign

1. You will get a new look, feel and conversion rate lift at the same time for your website.

2. You will learn that which elements actually improve the results

3. By maintaining your staff’s focus on the important business metrics rather than the aesthetic redesigning. 

4. Your site will never face lags in the results in-between redesigns and avoid the risks of a revolutionary website redesign.

How to redesign the website?

If you use ESR or not and do a full redesign all at once as it is important to keep your site’s redesigning work manageable and to make this work you should make final results that are worth the effort. A proper detailed planning that will ensure you and your comrades that don’t trip over only one another in the trenches. And for this, you need to do a lot of work and planning which is necessary. You can plan to do weekly tasks, daily tasks for completing each aspect of your site and then assign them to different professionals from the starting. And there will be no reason for your project that should lag behind your timeline and produce more sub-par results. 

Make strategies first and then proper planning

Before planning you need to redesign your website and then you will require to seriously consider why you need or want to do this too. 

Goals you should accomplish with the redesigning:

• Always keep your users from bouncing off your pages very fast and make sure your library of downloadable information is better.

• Make more informative pages and more visually aligned with your brand

• Improve the navigation to average more pages per visit and improve the on-site SEO, etc.

Some things that should be considered before doing a site redesigning

Analysing that what works and what doesn’t work

Before making any type of change to your design you will require to decide which website aspects and features you need to change. After this check which design is working and use analytics to see what users find more valuable and what they don’t like. Things that are not working are expendable and should either get rid of it or you want to improve it. 

Your site will affect your online marketing performance and analytics used to make decisions is necessary. Checking that what pages are getting visited frequently and what CTAs aren’t getting clicked? Try to collect these types of necessary details and information to help you in making important decisions about your new website’s design

Always set smart goals

As you know every project needs set goals and your site designing should be no different as to get set goals for how well your site works for SEO as well as marketing. And don’t forget to maintain the marketing thing also as only designing looks will not work. If you will notice then a simple website that works seamlessly for the visitors which is more preferable. A site should be properly stuffed with the visual features and codes that will have issues. You should use the numbers if you can and double your site visitors or site leads and then increase them by a certain percentage. Making all the specific goals that are not too vague and it should look better. This thing will not help you as it should have a clean, modern look with the white space is really helpful for you. always mention all the functionalities which are required and you want to make more calls to action, which will be more fast and easy forms for visitors to fill out, etc. 

Researching your visitors or target audience

To make the best site for the visitors you should know who they are and what are their interests. What are their main preferences and their browsing styles? Keywords used by them all this information will help you to make one of the best redesign and their needs. 

Check out you’re competitive

Always look for your competition in the market which will give a great way to see what others in your company are doing, and how potentially they do their work. Let’s see that your competitor is really more successful in the market than at that point in time you have to figure out why it is. What are the things they are doing with their site and what you are not? This will help you to pretend that you’re a user and then comparing your sites. Make a note of those things where you are lagging and then set your goals accordingly to improve the website in a better way.

Always review and refresh the content

The design you choose for your site and its content go hand in hand and a fresh approach to content can easily help you in the further process. You can do things like single out old, outdated blogs that can be updated, and then you can rewrite the leads. Setting up your new goals for publishing schedules which is based on better practices for customer engagement. Always see your content, how it is performing and then use it as a template for better future content. 

Hitting the SEO checkpoints

Your redesigning will boost your marketing easily and you will need to discover more than ever. As the SEO works perfectly at this stage. There are many things to optimize your website SEO during redesigning: 

Always make sure that everything should be well- written page titles, the meta description should be there, and permalinks for all your content on the site. Designing the content for readability purposes which includes headers and subheaders. Use the right keywords to target all your landing pages and check that the site time of loading and do all the necessary things. 

Make sure that your site should be responsive

People are using more mobile devices rather than desktop so when they are checking your site make sure it’s up to the task. And then it will be necessary that your website should be responsive so that it is able to reconfigure itself based on the visitor’s screen size and device. The user will expect this more and more from their browsing experience and you don’t have it they will go somewhere else. This will boost your SEO so don’t neglect it and design responsive websites

Evaluating your CMS (content management system)

The content management system you will select will always limit what you can do with your website redesigning. This thing for your site will be required to balance options and the capabilities with the set goals you want to achieve. What are the benefits and different features you will require to deliver the correct experience to your users online and what can you do for it? Going for WordPress is also a better option as it has great CMS and website platforms. You will need to strategize everything correctly. And by following these points you can do all the things according and make your base. Define your path and get it moving forward so that you don’t have to face any consequences afterward. At WordPress you can build your website and redesign it, it may be difficult for you at the starting as it is a little bit confusing. But once you get the things you can make everything easily with a proper Content Management System. 

So first strategize everything correctly for redesigning your website and then go for your plans to execute it and follow these points which are mentioned above. This will help you to do your things rightly without any error. 

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