
The Sony PlayStation 5 initially priced at $700 – The Fanboy SEO

Don’t look now but it looks like the Sony PlayStation 5 could fetch for around $700!

The price was taken from the Play.Asia store who opened pre-orders for the next generation console. Check out their PS page here!

Here’s a look at what they posted on their page.

I’m not so sure what to think on one hand that’s a little too high but at the same time its got promising titles like Resident Evil 8 and Spider-Man: Miles Morales


This is a surprising price at $700 to be honest but all new tech and gaming consoles fetch for a high price when they get introduced to the market. Although we can wait for updates or second generations to get better prices. In the current situation though, ordering a $700 console is more appropriate for streamers and content creators.

True enough too, the Playasia page also states that the console will be out by December 2020, similar to what Sony has been saying all throughout their launch yesterday.

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