
Simple MLP – Sem Seo 4 You

You’re welcome. (:

I think I understand the distinction you are making between the Back Propagation and the Feed Forward activities – that sounds like the “learning” and “doing” phases to me

Exactly! Back-Propagation is the “Learning” process and Feed Forward is the “doing”/”run”/”execution” process of the NeuralNetwork; the part that you give some inputs and the NeuralNetwork tells you what it gussed […]

However I have always assumed the essential part of a neural network is its ability to learn. How can the Feed Forward part work if the system has no knowledge?

It won’t be “clueless” of what output-to-give/decicion-to-take because it will be already pre-trained, so that it won’t need to learn anything else […]

In the same concept/way you are pre-trained for an upcoming race/contest because you can’t always learn-fast and adapt to the needs/conditions of the race/contest instantly or in the compulsory time, you might hear the teachings of a master insted of trying to learn by yourselft about the tricks and ways, so you can have a greater chances to win the contest, a NuralNetwork can be pre-trained too! ready to be “executed”/”done”/”ran” , pretrained by a powerfull-computer-master way faster than from trying by itself as a “simple” microcontroller to train itself.

I must confess that your reference to the smart home is not specific enough for me to envisage how an Arduino based neural network might be used.

I am sorry /:, you have a point herein a way. Sometimes i get a lil-bit crazy with the explenations and i might say more like conceptual things or get into account things as already known by the others […](But i think that in the next paragraph i will be clear enough (: )

Here is a short insert of the original content, so as to spread the thoughts of the people that “Sem Seo 4 You”, considers enlightened. Content limited to 350 words.

You can read the article in its entirety, on the official website of https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=616737.0

Thanks a lot … I hope your thoughts, your geniuses can have as much resonance as possible.

You can read the article in its entirety, on the official website of https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=616737.0

Thanks a lot … I hope your thoughts, your geniuses can have as much resonance as possible.

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