
SEO tools – How many do you use?

Alyeda Solis is an international SEO consultant, author, and speaker, who has helped thousands of brands enhance their organic reach via her SEO strategies.

Recently, she created a couple of polls on Twitter, asking fellow SEO enthusiasts regarding the tools they use to enhance search engine rankings.

Interestingly, answers from experts in the field were pretty unexpected.

Her first question to Twitteratis was about their ‘annual budget’ for SEO tools.

We all know that SEO tools are a marketer’s best friend. And they usually rely on paid tools to determine the most-ranking keywords, take insights of the competitor’s website, conduct the SEO audit of the complete website, and many other activities to help them rank better.

But surprisingly, when Alyeda Solis asked this question – more than 73% of the marketers admitted to paying less than $13k per year. At the same time, contenders for ‘heavy premium’ SEO tools were around 7% and said to spend more than $60k per year.

The second question asked by Solis was to determine the number of tools each marketer used. Here, more than 56% of the voters said to use between two and four tools. What’s more: 24.8% said to rely on a single tool to enhance their SEO strategy.

While the markets are filled with SEO tools with varying features and price range, many SEO experts build the tools themselves as well.

2. Across how many SEO tools do you spend your annual budget in? (aka: How many *paid* tools do you use)

— Aleyda Solis (@aleyda) October 29, 2020

However, just like Alyeda – we were also surprised by the feedback for SEO tools.

A lot has changed with the search engine algorithms in the past few years. With the growing competition in the industry, it is getting tougher each day to impress the audience and Google – both. The SEO tools, provide reliable insights into how a website is performing to ultimately make the SEO game strong.

And just like many others, we also recommend using a couple of handy SEO tools to keep up with the changing trends of the SEO industry.

What do you think? Do you have any favorite SEO tools? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section below!

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