
SEO for Plastic Surgeons

Plastic Surgeon SEO: How Plastic Surgeons Can Get More Calls, Consultations, and New Patients

SEO for plastic surgeons is an online marketing method that delivers pre-qualified leads to your practice by increasing your visibility to people searching for doctors in their area online. When you market directly to those searching for what you have to offer, you can drastically increase calls, consultations, and new patient signups for far less than traditional advertising.

In this article, you will learn how SEO benefits your practice by:

There are roughly sixteen million plastic surgery procedures done in the USA every year. This begs the question:

With so many prospective patients, why do so many doctors struggle to expand their practices?

The answer?

There are over 13,000,000 search results for the term “plastic surgeon”, and hardly anyone ever goes past Page 1! In fact, it has been shown that less than 10% of people go past page one of Google search results for local searches.

If you aren’t visible, then all of those potential patients are going to a competitor’s practice. You could be the greatest surgeon on Earth, capable of mind bending transformations with no side effects, and if no one can find you, then you won’t make more money.

The multi-channel visibility solution

If your practice needs more patients, you need to be found where they are looking. Plastic surgeon SEO is a multi-channel marketing strategy that combines advanced technical web structure and optimized website layout with social media marketing, creative copywriting, innovative web design, and aggressive local advertising.

The result is your name being featured across the new patient’s entire digital experience, and highly-targeted customers being sent through your doors.

Here’s how it works:

When someone is considering a plastic surgery procedure, they will turn to the most convenient information tool they know: the Internet. Since the vast majority of online experiences now begin with Google, this potential client will use the search engine to search for certain keywords or phrases about the procedure they desire. For example:

SEO is a marketing technique that sets your business up to appear toward the top for these search terms. Google has a complex algorithm made up of hundreds of signals both from your website as well as other places on the web. A comprehensive SEO campaign will target your:

And more. Together, these signals will tell Google that you are the best result for these search queries, ranking you higher on the front page than competitors.

An expert with knowledge of the plastic surgery business, its most popular procedures, the target demographic, and competition can give you an edge over competing practices that a generalist can’t provide.

Imagine you were a patient interested in liposuction. Would you want to see a plastic surgeon or a general practitioner?

Plastic surgery SEO is the same (minus the medical school). You want a specialist with training and experience in your industry, not a general internet marketing expert.

More Calls, More Consultations, and More New Patients: How SEO Drives Results

Search engine optimization is one part art form and one part science. A successful campaign is a mix of technical website factors at work behind the scenes with more customer-focused marketing techniques up front. A robust campaign across multiple channels is the only way you can outrank the competition.

A solid home can only be built on a solid foundation, which is why research, analysis, and testing form the foundation of any quality SEO campaign. Your company will research the most popular search terms in your industry and area, and the tactics most likely to convert your target demographic. From there, your strategy will be implemented and as the new website visits roll in and patients come through the door, they will analyze the correlation between the two. That is, they will find out exactly what is turning a visitor into a new patient.

So how does SEO bring new patients to your site in the first place?

Good question. Here’s how it’s done:

If you’re struggling to expand your practice, then it’s most likely due to one of the millions of potential patients across the web finding a competitor’s practice. SEO for plastic surgeons increases your visibility across multiple web channels, aggressively

positioning you above competitors in the rankings, resulting in more new patients coming to your website instead of someone else’s.

Are you ready for more calls, consultations, and patients?

Apply to work with Website Tigers here. Website Tigers is Las Vegas SEO Agency dedicated to growing the businesses of Plastic Surgeons.

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