
On Page SEO Optimizations Techniques For Websites

On Page SEO Optimizations Techniques For Websites

The On page SEO involves optimizations on the content, code, and UI interface of a website and hence it can be controlled and edited. It contains the various guidelines of the search engines such as Google or Bing to help a website rank well on the Search Engines.

Meta Title

It is the most important in On-page SEO. Each page should contain a unique title, having a length less than 68 characters. You should place one or two important keyword which you want to rank for in the title tag. Use your target keyword at the beginning of title. Write an attractive title to catch eyeballs and attract users, relevant to your webpage content. Use first alphabet as caps.

<title>Free Web Design, Web Development Company India | Pinkwhale </title>

Meta Description

This more like a short summary of a webpage. It has be unique for every page, and should be related to your page title and content. It can have a maximum length of 165 characters and the targeted keyword should be included in it.

Eg- <meta name=”description” content=” Description goes here…”/>

Meta Keywords

In this tag you are supposed to put a list of keywords. You can put 4-5 keywords in this tag. This tag is no longer important as it is not given any SEO value by major Search Engine’s like Google. You may or may not use it is no longer important for ranking.

<meta name=”keywords” content=”web hosting, website hosting, Hosting, cheap web hosting” />

URL Optimization

We optimize URL for SEO ranking. URL should be static, short, unique, readable and should contain a targeted keyword relevant to that page. We should use static URL.

Although you can write a very long one but make sure it is short and readable. An URL can be of two types dynamic and Static. A dynamic URL is a randomly generated URL in the form of default characters or some random numbers. You can see below that dynamic URLs are difficult to read and understand by users and search engines.


Another type of URL is Static URL which should be used for On page SEO as it is search engine friendly. These are easy to read and understand by both search engines and humans. You can use a keyword in the URL for seo benefits. Look at the static URL shown below.


Heading Tag

It is used for highlighting heading or subheading on a page and has SEO value. We should use atleast one H1 tag and H2 tag on every page. Remaining tags H3, H4, H5, H6 can be used on a page if required. H1 is largest in size and H6 is smallest.

Keyword Research

For on-page SEO it is very important to do keyword research. For this we use a tool called keyword planner to find relevant keywords. We normally try to find keywords with high search volume, low competition and long-tail keyword.

Types of keywords-

Short-tail Keyword-  It is 1-2 word keyword which has very high competition and higher search volumes.

Medium-tail Keyword- It has 2-3 word keyword which has medium competition and medium search volumes

Long-tail Keyword- It has 3-5 word keyword which has normally low search volumes and low competition.

Keyword Optimization

For keyword optimization we use targeted keywords in Title, description, URL, Heading tag, Content, Internal links, Image names and in alt tag. Use LSI keywords throughout your content as it helps to improve relevancy of content on a webpage.  LSI(latent schemantic keyword) are the synmons of your target keywords. LSI Graph the best is tool to generate LSI Keywords.

Internal Linking

It is the inter linking of various pages within a website using anchor text(internal link).  It gives better user experience for users and hence it is one of the ranking factors. Use a generic keyword or long-tail in the anchor text of your internal link.

External Links(outbound links)

Use external links linking to external websites. on your websites pages and blog posts. Using these links makes your webpage more relevant in the eyes of search engines.


It is a file kept in the root folder which contains instruction’s for search engines or robots. The first page visited by search engines is robots.txt file . In this you can define access to various pages of your website. If you don’t want bots to visit a particular page, image or folder then then you can block them through certain instructions.

User-agent:*    – It means it is applicable to all robots

Disallow:/ –    Robots are not allowed to visit.

Optimization of Images

Use a description for the images in alt tag

Use a keyword in the image file name.

Use compressed images in website, it improves the load time of webpage.

Improving Page & Website Speed

Google considers the website speed and page load time as one of the ranking factors, so it is very important to improve the website speed. We can use  tools like Gtmetrix.com to test the speed of our site. There other factors listed below by which we can improve the website speed.

W3C Code Validation

Search engines don’t like websites full of HTML, Javascript and CSS errors. So it is very important to use W3C validator and check for errors on website and rectify them. Since errors affect our search engine rankings the seo experts will have to identify the errors and communicate it with the web developers and ask them to correct it.

Keyword density

Don’t spam by inserting too many keywords in your content for SEO benefits and do not use same keyword again and again. A keyword density of 2-3% is fine if you are using various variations of your keywords.

Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumb Navigation are very user friendly and provides a good user experience, so we should use them in our website. It is also easy for search engines to crawl various other pages of site via breadcrumb links. It is one of the many ranking factors, so it should be used in our website. For this we can tell the web designer or developer to make on our website.

Broken Links

Search engines and users do not like broken links or 404 error pages and hence it can affect the rankings of a website. You can use tools like deadlinkchecker.com  or Google Webmaster tools to find out broken links and remove them, or redirect them to home page or other relevant page.

Mobile Friendly Website

Google and other search engines are strongly recommending to make a mobile-friendly site so it has become an important ranking factor and will help in ranking websites higher on search engines. So make your website mobile-friendly or responsive so that users have a better experience when they open your website on mobile and tablets. There are various tools like mobiletest.me to check if your site is responsive or you can manually check it yourself by reducing the size of your window.

URL Canonicalization

It is used when we have to redirect www URL to non-www URL or vice-versa. It is done to prevent the duplication of content because both URLs may appear on search results.

Example-    https:// www.example.com     and   https://example.com   both URLs may get indexed on search engine results page. Since both URLs will have same content, there will be issue of content duplication and Google may penalize our website so to prevent this we do 301 redirection of one URL to another.

Canonical Tag

This tag is used when there is issue of content duplication. We can use it in following situations.

To solve the issue of duplicate content we put the below code on the duplicate page, telling the search engines that it is a duplicate page of the original page.

<link rel=”canonical” href=”http://www.techmappers.com/index.html” />

.htaccess File

It is .txt file containing various codes or instructions, it is kept in the root folder of the server. Normally codes related to Expires headers, Gzip compression, 301 redirect are written in this file.

301 Redirect Usage

This is used when we have to redirect one page to another page or one domain to another domain. It can be used in following circumstances.

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