
Maintain Or Grow Traffic To Your High-Potential Content: An SEO Testing Case Study

Summarized data from SEOTesting.com, helping us get a sneak peek of both positive and negative metrics from a handful of completed tests.
In the keyword overview tool, we typed in the keyword that each piece of content we were already ranking for. We were able to get a grasp on the search volume, competition in the keyword group, and where our content was falling in the mix.
By taking advantage of Serpstat’s comprehensive SEO data, we were able to dig further into the organic keywords. We were easily able to find related keywords, related voice queries/questions, keyword difficulty, and Google’s position tracking for each keyword.
The output in Serpstat’s keyword overview tool after we typed in a term that one of our pages was already ranking for.
A summary of our testing results for the reiteration of test #1, including clicks per day, impressions per day, average position, and click-through rate outcomes after optimizing with the term “keto milk”.
A summary of our testing results for the second implementation of test #2, including clicks per day, impressions per day, average position, and click-through rate outcomes after optimizing with the term “mct oil dosage”.
Positive CTR test results for the reiteration of test #3 using the phrase “how many calories should I eat on keto”.
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