
It is Time to Kill SEO! Long Live the Humans!

If you haven’t noticed yet – Excira Media has been re-branded to Shannon K. Steffen International! So, why the change?

If you’ve been one of the awesome people following me from the beginning, you already know that my business name has gone through various stages over the years. It took 15 years to realize that, the more I morphed into a faceless brand, the more I removed myself from the core of my business – and my passion – the humans.

The Problem:

When I meet with business owners and marketing directors, I take on a role not unlike that of a doctor. During our meetings, I work with people to understand their problems and prescribe a strategy to help them turn their business healthy around to stand out and get results online.

The Experience:

After nearly twenty (20) years working in Information Technology and e-Commerce companies such as Monster.com, including time on the Cafepress.com Voice Committee board, I want to bring my business back to the humans behind the business. No one is more passionate about his or her own business than the people that own it.

The Goal:

Too many SEO agencies out there care more about showing numbers than making their clients truly stand out and be successful online. This is my opportunity to bring my business back to the core of who I am and help cultivate the passion that drives my clients in their business – through award-winning Human SEOtm and Digital Marketing strategic consulting.

In the end, it is my mission to return to the human side of business – through a personalized and interactive approach – to alleviate frustration and increase conversion.

So, I hope you will celebrate this amazing re-brand from Excira Media to Shannon K. Steffen International. The new look for my Milwaukee-based digital marketing and Human SEOtm strategy business has been a long time coming and I’m excited to bring you along for the journey of a lifetime.

Humans first, then the search engine robots.

Don’t Forget!

One more thing: Sign up to receive my Free Human SEO Newsletter and get a copy of my 33 SEO Questions & Answers guide FREE!

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