
Is YouTube Important for Marketing?  – SEO Design Chicago

Marketing on YouTube is one of the greatest ways to find new clients, but it can sometimes be a lot of work for few rewards. There are some amazing things about it and some drawbacks. 

Pros of Marketing on YouTube

YouTube is a video platform, so you will want to be good at making and editing videos. If you aren’t, that’s okay, you can hire someone to do it for you! Making videos for YouTube can be relatively simple if you already know what you want. You can also learn a lot about video making from the internet or take classes for it. There are many options for success! 

One of the best reasons for marketing on YouTube is that there is an aspect of longevity. You may not have many subscribers or lots of views, but your content will not get lost in a sea of other information and advertisements. On Facebook or Instagram, posts get sorted chronologically, and after a day or so it will be forgotten, but YouTube is forever. People can search directly for your product or service and learn about it, just like a search engine. Most social media sites just can’t offer that same kind of quick access to your information. 

Another benefit of having YouTube videos for your company is that YouTube has its own section located at the top of Google searches. If someone searches for a video about your kind of product, you could be at the top of the list just through YouTube. If you pick relevant titles for your videos, you will be more likely to be picked up in a search. In a world where you have to fight to be at the top of a Google search, this could be an easy way to get there! 

YouTube also has a wider age range of people who use it, while many other forms of social media are being split by age group. Another benefit of marketing on YouTube is that you can’t beat the price! YouTube is free to use, which is an amazing benefit, especially for small businesses. 

When you focus on marketing on Youtube, you can do some incredible things. There are over one billion users of YouTube, so you’re bound to reach at least a few of them. You will also be able to measure that. There are tools that track your viewers and let you know how you are doing. This can give you a pretty good idea of your success and how many people are interested. The content that you post can be varied, exciting and different.

Content Creation

If you aren’t sure how to do that, you can get help with content creation. This will help you to get sponsors. Sponsors are important for YouTube because you can get paid just for endorsing items or services on your channel. You can also get paid by YouTube if you get popular enough. This gives you income from more clients, sponsorships, and YouTube itself, just for posting videos! 

Cons of Marketing on YouTube

Some of the things that make YouTube difficult to market is that it can be hard to translate to other areas of your marketing strategy. When you use a post for Facebook, you can usually translate that same post over to your Twitter, Instagram, and even your Linkedin. Social Media content creation is already difficult, but YouTube is a completely different game. You can share the YouTube videos you make to other sites, but it is different from creating a post in many ways. Making a YouTube video can also be very difficult if you don’t know how to do it, or if you don’t know what you want. 

One of the main problems you might face while marketing on Youtube is that the comments can be difficult to deal with. People can be very rude and harsh on the internet, and sometimes the comments can be violent, threatening, or sexual. If your video goes viral, you could be facing a lot of backlash as a company. This is something you have to consider before you post. You can also lose sponsors or deals based on people’s reactions to your videos. This has happened many times to famous YouTubers.

YouTube for Business Marketing

After weighing the pros and cons, another thing to consider is how popular your business is on other sites. If you start a YouTube channel as a business, will you have followers on other sites that will keep up with you? Sometimes this can be very beneficial to your company. If your company is a little larger, you are in some ways expected to have a YouTube channel. An easy way to get started is to make product videos. These are simple, straightforward videos that need to be relatively short. You don’t need a huge budget to make them. There are free video editing softwares that you can use to help you get started as well. 

How Can I Use YouTube Marketing?

One of the ways your company can use YouTube for marketing is by sponsoring other people’s videos. This way, you won’t have to make content, and you can get your product out there. People don’t like ads, but there has been research done that people don’t mind as much when it is shown by the celebrities they care about.

YouTube also runs ads so that you only have to pay if people show interest in your ad. If people don’t watch the whole thing, you don’t have to pay, but they are learning about your company anyway. This can be a great benefit to your company when using YouTube for business marketing, especially if you pick a channel to sponsor that is relevant to your product or service.

Try to pick a channel with popularity and no scandals in their history. Your product could be placed under fire if the YouTube channel you sponsor is always in the news for the wrong reasons. Always check in on the channels that advertise your product in case you need to withdraw your sponsorship. Your company could be placed under fire if you don’t withdraw sponsorship quickly when something goes wrong. Using YouTube for business marketing can be a great way to make money, but it can lead to some problems if not done correctly.

Luckily, there are millions of channels to choose from, and you can sponsor as many as you would like. Maybe switch up the channels you sponsor from time to time and see what works best for your company. That’s another benefit of marketing on YouTube: there is so much to choose from! 

YouTube Social Media Marketing

Taking your YouTube channel and making it a part of your social media marketing can be simple. Just posting a video to your social media pages won’t help your company much, so something you’ll want to do is create videos that will share well. Create an idea for a post, then make a YouTube video that will go with it. Then, you’ll have better curated content for your social media marketing. If you’re sponsoring another channel, make a post about that channel for your social media site and share the video that your product is in. This is why it is key to sponsor channels that are relevant to your company. 

Using YouTube videos in your social media marketing is also proven to boost sales. People are much more likely to click on and watch videos than just reading a post. If your videos are interesting and short, you have an even better chance of people watching them. Videos are the content most likely to be shared on any social media platform. Your company can grow so much, and if something goes wrong, there are many different companies that you can hire to help you overcome your challenges. Even if you start out and you aren’t receiving the traffic or views that you’d like, you can always change it up and try new things. You control the channel and what goes up, and you can remove videos at any time if they aren’t as popular. 

If you still aren’t sure about making an actual YouTube channel, try making a video just to share on your sites, and you will quickly see that video content is incredibly important in today’s marketing. 

Contact SEO Design Chicago for YouTube Marketing

Even with some problems, YouTube is definitely worth it for its value to marketing. You can find so many customers just through posting a video! If you post multiple videos daily, weekly or even monthly, that will continue to grow. It’s pretty easy to see that YouTube’s value is undeniable in your social media marketing as well. YouTube is the #1 site for videos, and you can be a part of that for free! Contact SEO Design Chicago today for help with all of your YouTube Marketing needs. 

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