
Is Your Brand Utilizing Location-Based SEO Marketing Strategies?

Location-based SEO is a great way to improve your brand awareness and drive traffic to ultimately close deals.  Is your brand utilizing location-based targeting?  46% of all searches are local, which means if you use this strategy your brand will be found by your target audience that is searching for you.

What is Location-Based SEO?

Location-based SEO also known as geo-targeting, is about getting your brand to be seen for a specific location.  When someone does a search, Google will display brands near the person’s location.    You want to have your brand set up so that search traffic will find you.  This is important for all businesses, however, for brick-and-mortar location-based SEO is crucial.

Location specifics include state, county, city, zip code, or where your brand services.

Brands that have multiple locations will need to have a separate strategy in place so that search engines can differentiate between the locations.

Location-Based Keywords

All marketing strategies begin with keywords and location-based SEO is the same.  Your keywords will be long-tail keywords and include the name of the city or town and the product or service you provide.  Consider using a variety of variations to maximize your efficiency.

Google My Business will Get You on Maps

The next step is to get the brand address to show up on maps when being searched.  Your business has to populate on maps for the strategy to work.

Google My Business is the best way to set up your business location.  GMB is a free tool that brands can create a listing and get your online presence in searches and maps.  The listing must be completely filled out with accurate phone, address, contact name, and photos.  Google will verify the location.

Once the listing is created, be sure to monitor it and manage the listing.  Customers can leave reviews and you want to make sure to respond.  If hours change or any information, it will need to be updated as well.  The more current and up-to-date your listing is the better return you will get.

Your Locations Need Website Pages

When setting up a website, most brands will have the locations on their home page and a contact us page.  While this is a common way to set it up for location-based SEO, it is not enough to get you on page 1.

Each location needs a separate page that is specific to the city and town and optimizing those keywords.  Websites are about being organized for users and for search engines.  The better a user can navigate the more likely they do not bounce, for a search engine the better they can categorize a website the better search ranking they will receive.

Location Page is Set Now What?

Having the location page is a start, however, like all pages, it needs to be optimized so that you will get a better rating.  There are several steps to successful optimization.

  • Content – The content on the page needs to contain the location keywords besides your other keywords.
  • Title Tag – The title tag needs to contain the location, product, and/or service in 50 characters.
  • Meta Description – The location, keywords, and enticing information all need to be in the meta description.  The character count is 155 characters, so it needs to be concise but engaging.
  • Alt Image Text – The images on websites need to have keywords in the alt image text line, for location pages it must include the location keywords to do its job.  There is a penalty if the text does not match the photo.

SEO Takes Time and Updating

Search engine optimization does not happen immediately, it takes some time.  While the search engines will notice the changes, it may take a few weeks to go from page 5 to page 1.  However, if you utilize the strategies mentioned above, it will happen.

The other trick with SEO is that it is something that needs to monitoring and updating over time.  As a digital marketing agency, we monitor monthly our client’s rankings and make adjustments to the websites.  It is a process that trends and algorithm updates can change results.

We can help if you are not getting the brand awareness that your company needs.  Our team can help with website design and content marketing strategies that will get you the leads to convert into sales.  Contact us today!

The post Is Your Brand Utilizing Location-Based SEO Marketing Strategies? appeared first on MaxAudience.

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