
Is SEO Important For Business, Do You Even Need SEO? | Kristen Leigh

Inside of Web Design Business Bootcamp I teach my students all about using repetition on a website to increase conversion rates.

Creates a Good User Experience

The user experience of a website is taken into consideration when search engines decide which websites to rank in the top slots. Having a focus on SEO means that a business will spend a good deal of time improving their user experience and website design. Good UX keeps people on a website longer which not only makes Google happy but it should also make business owners happy! The more engaged people are with a business’ content, the easier it will be to convert them into paying customers or clients.

Inexpensive Way to Get Traffic

SEO is a long term strategy. No business owner can expect to make a few tweaks and all of a sudden 5x their website traffic. SEO takes at least 6 months to start generating meaningful results. However, it’s relatively cheap to implement compared to PPC (pay-per-click) or other paid advertising (Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Pinterest ads – all the social ads!).

Some say time = money so SEO could be seen as expensive to focus on but it creates a long-lasting flow of traffic as opposed to paid ads which send an influx of traffic while the ads are running and then immediately cut that traffic off when the money stops flowing to them.

Fulfills the Buy Cycle

Research is a standard part of the consumer buy cycle these days. Personally, I don’t purchase a product without reading reviews and consuming all the information about it first – especially if shopping online where I can’t touch it or see it in person.

Since a majority of consumers mimic this behavior, those websites that appear at the top of search results are more likely to convert impressions (leads) into paying customers or clients. This is because more eyes are on them and more reviews are left on their products.

It’s hard to deny that SEO is important for business! With over 1.8 billion websites online right now (who knows what it will be like in 5 years!), SEO is one of the best long-term marketing strategies that businesses can focus on. Having strong SEO means that a business will have more recognition and authority within their industry among their ideal audience and they’ll have tons of data to help them create content that their target audience wants to consume throughout the buy cycle. The best part is they can do all of this using the top traffic driving source which is also one of the least expensive ways to get traffic.

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