
How to Rank on Google: The 5 Best SEO Apps

Did you know that over half of website traffic (51%) comes from organic search? Only 10% of website traffic comes from paid ads and 5% comes from social channels.

Ranking organically in the search engines means you need to focus on your SEO efforts, but with so many tools available, how do you know which are the best?

We’ve created a guide on the 5 best SEO apps that can help improve your browser ranking, improve your traffic, and boost your profits.

Boost Your Profits With These 5 Best SEO Apps

You’re probably familiar with the top SEO tools, such as Google Search Console, but what you might not know about are SEO apps. That’s right, there’s several apps that can help you improve your organic traffic.

1. SERP mojo

SERP mojo rank tracker can help you with your SEO, and this effortlessly easy-to-use app will make abiding by SEO best practices a doddle. There are two options, a free version, and a Pro version. Both offer a range of great SEO tools that can:

A particularly useful feature of SERP mojo SEO is that it has unlimited keywords and URLs that you can track. This can be used on both the free and paid-for version.

With the free version of SERP mojo, you can:

The pro version features all of the above and allows you to have access to analytics insight, and receive automatic background rank updates. The pro version also allows you to view your keyword status (improved, maintained, and lowered) and tells you your total count of lost and gained positions and the total number of rank updates.

2. Google Analytics App

Sometimes the best SEO tools are the ones that allow you to analyze your data. Everyone who knows about SEO knows the benefits of using Google Analytics. And now, you can install the app on your devices and access your SEO data while on-the-go.

The Google Analytics app allows you to:

Just with Google Analytics on a web browser, the app is also free. This app might be particularly useful for those who like to work on-the-go and for those who like to check their metrics before meetings.

3. SEO Check

One of the best SEO apps that you need to download on your devices is SEO Check. This free app has an abundance of excellent features that can help you improve your SEO.

With SEO Check, you can run an audit and examine your website’s on-site SEO performance. The app also offers insights into how you can improve your website.

You can check and analyze your:

It’s fair to say that the SEO Check app makes use of plenty of features and can help you improve your website’s ranking. It’s also free to use, so make sure you give this one a try.

4. Free SEO Tools

Free SEO Tools is a free app that offers you a range of tools to use from the comfort of your device. The tools are all free and can help both SEO marketers and developers create the best websites.

Some of the popular tools on the app include:

Essentially Free SEO Tools provides the best SEO company tools that are free in one easy-to-use app. These tools are some of the best in the industry and are used by experts worldwide, so they’ll be sure to help your website.

5. SEO Rank Tracker by Rankz

SEO Rank Tracker is an app that allows you to track your website rankings on Google. This app is very easy to use, as all you need to do is type in your list of keywords, add countries per keyword, and add your competitors’ URLs. After which the app will then track data and send you updates about your ranking.

With SEO Rank Tracker, you can make use of several features, including the:

These features can help you track and analyze your competitor’s SEO strategy and relevant stories to your website. The app also allows you to create reports which can be customized and viewed by your team.

Download These SEO Apps to Start Growing Your Business

Growing your business organically isn’t easy and with all SEO practices, will take time. However, it’s one of the best ways to get noticed and to find your ideal customers online, so make sure you download some of the best SEO apps today and start improving your business’s SEO.

Be sure to check out some of our other articles about marketing to get the latest tips on how to improve your content marketing and social media.

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