
How to Evaluate SEO Agency’s Performance? – Delante Blog

If you’ve outsourced the SEO process to an external agency and now you’re waiting for the results, keep reading to find out which tools can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the conducted SEO activities.

Implemented optimization changes don’t bring results overnight. A Google robot needs to notice them, index new content and only then you can expect some variations in the organic website visibility. Backlinks to your site are one of the ranking factors, however, acquiring such links may bring effects either after a few days or even after a month. Therefore, be patient and treat SEO as an investment that will pay off in the future.

After a few months, it’s possible to evaluate the effectiveness of your SEO agency. For this purpose, you can use a couple of tools that are available partially or fully for free.

Before you start verifying the positions, log out of all Google applications and clear your browser cookies – otherwise, you may get personalized results. Your location is also important. Depending on the city you’re in, you may obtain different results. Another way to check your positions independently is to use the incognito mode.
seo agency performance

There are numerous tools that facilitate the process of conducting the SEO agency’s performance audit. So what solutions should you take into account? Below you can see a list of the most noteworthy options:

Start with taking a look at the “effectiveness” tab with a graph and information about your total number of clicks in the search results in a particular period, number of impressions, average CTR, and average positions. What does it mean?

If the number of impressions of a specific phrase is very high, but the number of clicks is low, it’s worth performing activities that aim at improving visibility on selected keywords. Nevertheless, remember that usually, it’s possible to notice an increase in the number of clicks only after a few months unless you operate in less competitive industries in case of which it may happen sooner.

It’s another solution totally free of charge. However, first, you need to add a tracking code to your website. Information about how to create an account and add the tracking code can be found here: Add an account to an existing account. Thanks to it, you can obtain a lot of valuable data concerning your website visits.

Remember to start the evaluation once it’s possible to see the results. The SEO agency should inform you when to expect the effects.

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