
How to Create SEO and Content Strategy and Boost Your Social Media Presence Using AIDA Model – Funnel Optimization

The AIDA model is one of the most basic ways to describe consumer engagement with your marketing campaigns.

AIDA stands for:

You can use this model with any marketing campaign, but if you apply it to your online strategy, it can help you create an SEO and Content Strategy to boost your social media presence.

What is SEO and Content Strategy?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and content are both focused around keywords. It’s important your keywords are relevant to your product, service or business. For your basic keywords, you should start in your company’s mission and vision statements.

While developing your list of keywords, try to focus on developing long-tail keywords: try for keywords like “indoor trampoline park” instead of just “park”.

While the focus is keywords, SEO and Content Strategy using the AIDA model should cover all four stages: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. You already know your audience, business goals and how to connect them with quality, useful and informative content.

Now you need to take it to the next level. SEO strategy is about optimizing your content and proactively answering questions real people will have – during all stages of the AIDA model.

Your content should be easy to discover, and it should easily convert your potential customers at any stage of their AIDA journey – it should fulfill their needs.

On-site and Off-site SEO

Internal / on-site SEO

Internal or on-site SEO is about following SEO guidelines, publishing great content, and making that content conversion-friendly using growth hacks.

For this type of SEO, you’ll want to brainstorm core topics related to your business and brand. Extend your research beyond the basics, dig into your niche, and make sure to form long-tailed keywords from your basic keywords.

When developing your keyword list, help yourself out by organizing them in at least two groups: product keywords and business/niche keywords. This will help organize your content strategy better.

TIP: Google Keyword Planner is a great tool for research. Pinpoint relevant keywords with low competition for your content strategy – people are searching for those terms, but there isn’t much content found for them.

External / off-site SEO

External or off-site SEO focuses on optimizing content for referral sources, republishing, and distributing. You want your content to be easily found and also attractive so others will want to share, publish and distribute your content.

Writing relevant and quality content towards topics people are searching for is one of the most important aspects of this type of SEO.

SEO and Content Strategy Execution

To execute an effective SEO and Content Strategy using AIDA, you’ll want to use marketing project management. Ask yourself:

What are your goals?

For example, do you want to: grow traffic, get more subscriptions, get more customers? Choose your goals and use those to choose your keywords. Some keywords are more important for your goals than others. Prioritize those keywords in a list and choose the easiest ones to start with and get rankings.

What are your content types?

Will you be creating blog posts, landing pages, ebooks, white papers, templates, e-commerce pages? Decide which content types appeal to your audience the most and what would be best for your visitors – not necessarily what you can do in-house.

How will you launch it?

What channels will you choose to promote it? Know where your audience is and what they are reading, sharing, consuming. Find the channels that your audience uses.

Share on Social Media

With the AIDA model in mind, think about:

Answer those questions and direct your content towards those answers, then make it easy to share. Be sure to share your content more than once on your social media channels and use email distribution for your content.

Keep in mind that in social media, AIDA is a little different and translates more to ADIA: Acknowledgment, Dialogue, Incentivize – encouragement or motivation, Action.

With this model, you need to create quality content; then you need to listen to your target audience and make them talk/engage with you.

SEO in Advertising

Although we’ve focused on AIDA’s use for social media feeds and SEO efforts, it does not need to be isolated to those. Use AIDA for copywriting, landing pages, and ad designs to ensure you are covering all four stages to experience better conversion and strategy with your advertising.

AIDA is a model or guideline to use with your marketing campaigns in any medium, but it can be extremely useful to outline and create a strategy for your SEO and online content efforts.

Using AIDA to create your SEO and Content Strategy will provide value to your customers (recurring and new) while boosting your social media presence and showing a return on your efforts.

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