
How I got SEO Famous | High Voltage SEO

This made it clear I was on to something.

If what I’d done was only a one off, or far from the truth, Google likely would have let it go.

But instead they came and targeted all my sites, which means I’d hit the nail on the head.

I had cracked, at least partially, Google’s algorithm.

I had shown that Google algorithm was just that – an algorithm, which means it’s based on maths, and if it’s based on maths, it’s possible to beat it using maths as well.

The algorithm may be crazy powerful, it may be beautiful (maybe just to us SEO’s), but in the end, it’s still just maths.

What I’d done with Rhinoplasty Plano was prove that Google couldn’t read.

I showed that Google didn’t care if your content was good, if it was informative, or even if the language was correct.

The only thing that mattered was if specific signals were being hit when compared to other high-ranking pages.

By using Page-Optimizer Pro, I was able to quickly figure out the needed keywords and other signals, apply them to my page, and let Google do its thing by crawling the page, indexing it, and allowing time to naturally rank it.

This proved to the SEO community what I had been saying all along – the secret to ranking is hiding in plain sight.

Needless to say, that was not something Google was happy about.

In response they de-indexed my site, removed my test sites, and (seemingly) added a rule to their webmaster guidelines, specifically based on what I’d done.

If you look below you’ll see 2 images, the first from before I ranked Rhinoplasty Plano, and the 2nd, short after it was taken down.

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