
Council Post: Three Site Map Best Practices For SEO Success

Of the likely hundreds of best practices that digital marketers should know and remember as they work, creating an XML site map for a website should be among the most important.

I don’t have to tell this audience that a site map is perhaps the best tool for telling Google how your site is structured. A site map shows your top-tier pages and the thematically related supporting content that holds them up. Knowing this allows Google to sort your site more easily and turn up relevant results for user queries.

While site maps can benefit websites of every size, they are especially useful for large websites with hundreds or thousands of pages, or websites with many unlinked pages. That amount of content can confuse Google when it’s trying to organize your layout. If Google gets confused, it may not rank anything.

For all the technical SEO enthusiasts reading this, here are three best practices for creating site maps.

1. Structure Your Content Logically

A site map works only as well as your webpages are already organized. A site map that shows Google a spate of disorganized, improperly named or thematically unrelated pages is not going to do you much good.

Therefore, for your site map to be able to do its job well, you need to organize your site’s content logically and according to the topic cluster model. Topic clusters are groups of content that are all united by a subject or theme. A pillar page serves as the cluster’s main hub. The content on it should link to supporting pages, which can then link to one another.

Structuring your content this way makes your site architecture clean both for users and search engines. It also creates the ideal structure for your site map. Google will know exactly what pages you have, which pages are related to others and the subjects that link those pages together.

2. Limit Your Site Map URLs

Having too much of a good thing often ends badly for people, and so it is with URLs in your site map. Websites, particularly large ones, need to show URLs in their site maps to refer Google to their correct site structure, but having too many URLs risks being confusing to people and search engines. In fact, there’s a chance Google will flag your site as a spammy link site if your site map has an abundance of URLs.

Get around this by limiting the links you include in your map. If a certain category on your site has a lot of links contained within it — such as a pillar page with a ton of supporting content or a product page with many variants, each with its own link — you may consider creating additional site maps for each of those large categories.

An alternative is to include only the main category or product page in your site map and use the “link rel=canonical” tag with it. This will tell the search engines that this particular page is the main product or category, but that there are subpages that branch off from it.

3. Place Your Site Map In The Right Spot

The final step I want to recommend to readers is to place your site map in the right place on your website. Recall that site maps obviously exist as navigation tools for the actual humans who visit your site. The maps unto themselves are structured according to your website’s architecture, but they won’t do any good if no one can find them.

For that reason, there is a set of best practices experts recommend for placing your site map. Your site is likely to perform the best when you create both an XML and an HTML site map. XML maps are meant for search engine crawlers, while HTML site maps are for people who are simply lost on your site and need a quick overview of how to navigate to a certain page.

After you have created your XML site map, place it in your website’s root directory so crawlers can access it easily.

Conversely, place your HTML site map on your homepage because that is the best place to reach confused users on your site. This produces the additional benefit of aiding search crawlers because the first page they will crawl is the homepage. Finding your HTML site map there will almost guarantee that search engines index your site properly and that your site stands the best chance of ranking for relevant queries.

Research, content creation and local packs all have their place in an SEO strategy. But to succeed in the organic rankings game, you cannot neglect your site map creation, that other vital aspect of technical SEO.

Of course, there are proper steps to take when creating and placing your site maps. However, never forget that to have a chance of making a good map at all, your site needs to be set up with the right kind of structure in the first place.

That structure will be based on the content you produce and organize for your site. If you haven’t heard of the topic cluster content model before, it is the way Google rewards content these days, and that is likely to continue in the future.

It isn’t particularly difficult to set up that model for your content, but you do have to stay smart about it. For instance, don’t try to rank one page of content for too many keywords. It is better to break up that content into pillar pages and supporting content.

Not only is that the best way of going about your content marketing, but it also essentially builds your site maps for you. The work you put into that aspect of your SEO now, in the construction stage, will only help you later when it comes time to step back and check traffic and rankings.

Like anything worth doing, building a site map takes time and effort. But do your research and ask questions when you need help, and you, too, can succeed.

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