
Building Your First Simple Program With The MIPS Assembly Language – Sem Seo 4 You

MIPS assembly language simply refers to the assembly language of the MIPS processor. The term MIPS is an acronym which stands for Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages, and it is a reduced-instruction set architecture which was developed by an organization called MIPS Technologies.

The MIPS assembly language is a very useful language to learn because many embedded systems run on the MIPS processor, and knowing how to code in the MIPS assembly language can bring about a deeper understanding of how these systems operate on a lower level.

Before you start coding in the MIPS assembly language

Before you start churning out MIPS assembly language code, you need to first obtain a very good Integrated Development Environment that can help to compile and execute your MIPS assembly language code. The software that I would recommend that you use for this purpose is the MARS (MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator), which can be easily found and downloaded from Google.

Introduction to the MIPS architecture

Data Types

In the MIPS architecture, literals represent all numbers (e.g. 5), characters enclosed in single quotes (e.g. ‘g’) and strings enclosed in double quotes (e.g. “Deadpool”).

There are 32 general-purpose registers which are used in MIPS architecture. Each register in this architecture is preceded by ‘$’ in the assembly language instruction, and there are two different ways in which these registers can be addressed. These registers can be addressed by either using the register’s number (that is, from $0 to $31), or the register’s name (for example, $t1).

General structure of a program created using the MIPS assembly language

A typical program created using the MIPS assembly language has two main parts. They are the data declaration section of the program and the code section of the program.

Data declaration section of a MIPS assembly language program

The data declaration section of…

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