
Boost Your Sales With These 7 Helpful eCommerce Tips

In the year 2019 alone, Americans spent over 600 billion dollars during online shopping. That number was up 14% year-over-year and is expected to rise again in 2020 and 2021.

If you have an eCommerce store, you know how hard it can stand out in a crowded market. With that in mind, there are some simple eCommerce tips that you can use to take your online store to the next level.

In this article, we’ll tell you about 7 things you can do to help make your eCommerce store more profitable. We’ll also break down a few common mistakes that you need to avoid so you can make sure you’re trending in the right direction.

When it comes to creating and maintaining an eCommerce website, it’s important to make sure your store is built from the ground up to make a good first impression. After all, there are billions of websites on the internet, and if yours doesn’t stand out positively, users aren’t going to stick around for very long.

The best way to make sure your website gets off on the right foot with potential customers? Have a website that is easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and fast. That way, users can get to what they want to get to on any device without delay.

It’s important to remember that when users purchase goods from your site, they’re trusting you with their personal information. So, if your website isn’t safe and secure, it can be bad news for both your site and your customers, to say the least.

A good place to start with cybersecurity is an SSL certificate. Your hosting provider should be able to handle setting one up for you in a few short minutes at no charge. Investing in a private server is also a good idea, as it’ll make your site safer to use for everyone involved.

We get it. Setting up your eCommerce website to only use PayPal is simple and easy to do. And processing credit cards cost money, which takes away from your overall profit on each sale.

But if you want to stand out from the crowd and give your users a positive experience, you need to make sure you accept multiple payment options. You can also integrate an efficient top-up-and-bill-payment-solution into your business to increase, which can increase customer engagement. On top of looking out for your customers, you’ll increase your chances of getting a sale by doing so, which is the overall goal here.

Every good website has pictures and videos to help engage their users. But when building an eCommerce website, pictures and videos are even more important, as they can help you make sales.

You need to make sure that you’re using high-quality files to show off your products to the best of your ability. A blurry image isn’t going to look professional, which can turn off users and lead to them deciding not to purchase.

On the other hand, too many media files can also slow down your site, so you need to use them sparingly. Going overboard will make your site impossible to load on mobile devices, in particular, which can prevent you from selling to mobile users.

There are tons of ways you can drive traffic to your site and increase your sales. And while it takes some time and effort on your part to do the right way, not many are as effective as blogging.

The best part about blogging is that it drives users directly to your site to read your content. This means that they’re only one click away from landing on your eCommerce store, which of course, is a good thing.

On top of that, if your blog takes off, you can monetize it and create another revenue stream for your business. That extra revenue stream can help you take your brand to the next level, or even help you turn your hobby into a full-time job.

Another clever and effective way to drive traffic to your eCommerce store is to utilize social media marking. Social media marketing is affordable, practical, and can help you grow your brand fast.

A pro tip? Find one or two social media websites where your niche audience is the most active and only use those two platforms. For instance, if you’re selling product information management systems, and most of your potential customers are on Facebook and Twitter, don’t waste time advertising your brand on Instagram.

If you have an eCommerce website, you’re most likely using a landing page or home page to direct users to other areas of your site. The most effective way to send them to your eCommerce store? Using a call to action or CTA.

A CTA should appear rather quickly on your home page, after a few paragraphs of text. A button that stands out and can be spotted at a glance is the most effective, so keep that in mind when designing your site.

7 eCommerce Tips and Tricks That Actually Work

Well, there you have it! Those are 7 eCommerce tips that you can use to make sure your online store is set up for success.

Remember, offering a positive user experience to potential customers is a great place to start. So, if you haven’t already, make sure your website looks good and works even better, so you can get the sales that you’re looking for.

Looking for more advertising ideas you can use to promote your eCommerce store? Check out our blog!

Boost Your Sales With These 7 Helpful eCommerce Tips

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