
SEO Packages for Small Business UK – Netcentrics.co.uk

Well, these are already cheap SEO packages for UK small busi­nesses. Little can be done for under £5 a day, and if you don’t think digital mar­keting can make you more than that, perhaps we should talk. Still, I do under­stand that cash-flow can be restrictive. So I can offer a few sug­ges­tions.

The Cost (& Value) of Small Business SEO Packages

First, for per­spective, the average cost of effective small business SEO in the UK is over £500 per month. As most UK SEO agencies will tell you, effective SEO is dif­ficult for less than that. That’s true across most markets for estab­lished small busi­nesses. Still, it means effective small business SEO is worth far more. If it wasn’t, suc­cessful firms would stop investing in it.

However, micro­busi­nesses (under 10 employees) and startups often have more achievable goals. Even so, you do need to know what you’re doing to get results.

The Risks of Other Cheap SEO Packages

Sadly, cheap SEO “experts” are often moon­lighting, and dis­appear without notice. Others offer inflexible plans that don’t keep up with current SEO best prac­tices. For instance, they may do keyword research, but only once. However, keyword research needs to be ongoing, as ideal target keywords evolve over time.

Also, cheap SEO ser­vices that sell links in bulk may seem like low cost SEO, but are a false economy. Cheap, weak and flaky links won’t help. Some cheap SEO ser­vices provide these through Private Blog Networks (PBNs), breaking search engine guidelines and poten­tially attracting pen­alties with out­dated hacks. Search engines now prefer quality to quantity — and buying links is right out.

However, com­mis­sioning quality content for other sites earns a legit­imate citation. So these “SEO Plus” small business SEO packages build links with Domain Authority of 20 or more. They may not be the cheapest SEO packages around, but aim to be the most cost-effective small business SEO packages in the UK.

Slow But Cheap Small Business SEO

Still, can you improve SEO on a smaller budget? Yes — slowly, by reg­u­larly pub­lishing quality content. However, that takes a lot of time and pro­fes­sional writing skills. That’s why I offer content mar­keting ser­vices starting at just £75 per month.

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