
Best 10 SEO Tips and Tricks For Beginner

Best 10 SEO Tips and Tricks For Beginner

On-site optimization is also known as on-page SEO. It is the practice in which elements are optimized on the website in order to get a higher rank and thus getting more appropriate traffic from search engines. The main job of on-site SEO is to optimize the content and structure of a particular page i.e the content and HTML source code of a page. The main goal of onsite SEO should be to make it as easy as possible for the search engines as well as for its users in the following manner:

  • Understand what the particular webpage is all about;
  • Identify the page as relevant to a search query or queries for a particular keyword or set of keywords
  • Find the page useful and worthy of ranking well on a search engine results page (SERP)

Full optimization of the page requires both text and HTML based changes on the web page. The ultimate goal with on-page SEO is to say the ‘search engines language and thus help users to understand the meaning and context of the web pages. Below are some of the techniques that can be used to boost up on-page SEO:

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Quality content

If your website has brilliant content it can work well with or without SEO, and if the website has good quality content it can perform its best with the SEO. Good quality content has the following features:

  1. Content should be original
  2. The content should be published first time on your website only
  3. The content should not only contain text but it should also possess images and videos to attract users.
  4. A well-researched long article should be there
  5. Content should always be unbiased in the manner it not only highlights you but should be justified so that it covers both sides of the story.
  6. Is your content original or not? To find out, you can use the link given below. Where you can check the plagiarism of your content.

Check your content plagiarism – https://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/

Google Mobile Website Optimization Tool

Titles of the page and Meta descriptions

Best 10 SEO Tips and Tricks For Beginner source pixabay.com

This is the most important task to be done for on-page SEO.as when search engines are going through your website pages, among other things, they check the page title, the description of the page, the headings and the content i.e. videos text and images whatever it contains in it.

The search engine performs this function in order to understand what the website pages are all about. Thus on the basis of other factors like Off-page SEO, Domain Authority, competitor’s websites and many more they give rankings to the website page for various keywords in their index.

Content SEO

Content SEO has become a part of on-page SEO and is done by optimizing the actual content for the keywords targeted by you. Keyword research should be done before publishing any content.

Keyword research becomes necessary so as to find out which words users are typing in the search box and thus creating content in the same manner so that it can satisfy their query. nowadays google search algorithms are not looking for keyword relevancy but they are searching for topic relevancy.

Things to Know Before Register Your Domain Name

Readable URLs

Both people and search engines want URL’s that can actually be read by a human. This helps people to understand and establish trust in the content of the page they are about to visit. Some website content management systems like WordPress do this automatically.

Using human-readable URL’s such as “mysite.com/buy-my-product” improves websites search engine click-through rates as well as search engine rankings. This is applied to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter too.

source pixabay.com


Today cell phones have become part of everyone’s life. Today whenever one needs to search for anything they probably prefer to search on their mobile phones.it has been found that almost 60% of the search in Google are coming from mobile devices. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, you are going to lose more than half of the potential traffic.

Visitor Recording or Session Recording Tools – Know web activity

To make sure your website is mobile-friendly or not check your website with the Google mobile-friendly tool and fix any potential problems. Always perform a reality check that first tests your website on your mobile, like a real user would do, and make sure that everything is displayed correctly.

These were the most common tips which need to be done on your website for its on-page SEO. Remember the first step is to do on-page SEO then go for off-page SEO Tools.

Seep up your website

If you want your website to be ranked in the Google search engine, then the speed of opening of your website should be very fast. Because when the visitor sees your website in the search engine. Then it will open your website by clicking on the link.

If your website does not open in 1–2 seconds then it will move to another website. As a result, a negative impact will go towards the Google search engine and the search ranking of your website will decrease.

Therefore, if you want to make your place in the search engine, then you have to remove all those unnecessary things on your website which reduces the speed of your website. You can use the following tools from Google to check your website speed.


If the loading speed of your website is low then you can use the cache plugin. You also have to pay attention to your web hosting. Because Webhosting also has a great impact on website loading. You can use the following link to know how to buy good web hosting.

Read hereTop 10 Domain provider with and pros and cons

Use images and links

Best 10 SEO Tips and Tricks For Beginner source pixabay.com

You are writing an article for a human, not a computer. Thinking this, you have to prepare the content, so you must also add the necessary pictures and links to the content. So that the reader can understand your article well through the pictures and use the link to fulfill their need.

But you also have to keep in mind while using pictures, that if you use more pictures then the loading speed of your web page will be reduced. So we only have to use the necessary pictures

If you want to reduce the size of the pictures used in your content, then you can use the following link. Using which you can reduce the pixels of your pictures.

Resize your pic here https://resizeimage.net/

Makes backlinks

Yes! Backlinks play a very important role in ranking your website and your posts in search engines. If there is a link to your website or your post on another website, it is called a backlink. There are two types of backlinks du follow and no-follow. You can use both types of backlinks.

To create backlinks, you can also create backlinks through comments, that is, you can visit a website and comment on some of their articles and leave a link to your website there. But this is not an effective backlink. To make an effective backlink, you have to post a guest on another website.

If you want to get a backlink through a guest post then you can use the following link. This website provides information related to search engine optimization, WordPress, blogging, online earning, etc.

Social sharing

You can get visitors by posting the link of your post on social media. If your content will be effective and beneficial to the reader, then your post will be complete. Which will lead to a positive impact on the search engines. Which will increase your website article ranking in search engines.

Because when visitors spend a little time on your website, the bounce rate comes down. And the lower the bounce rate, the easier it becomes for your article to rank among the search engines.

Google adsBest SEO Optimization Tips and Tricks

If you are a newbie. Traffic is not coming to your website. So in such a situation, you can use Google’s tools Google ads. Through which you can get traffic to your website.
When traffic comes to your website, the reader will tell you the time on your website. If your content is good, then it will go into the positive impact search engine and your ranking will increase.

You can use the following link to visit the Google ads website.

Visit here https://ads.google.com/intl/en_in/home/

Keywords- Best 10 SEO Tips and Tricks

Read also

External links

Useful videos

You can also watch the following video for information related to search engine optimization.

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