
A Great Way to Express Gratitude and Build Community – Christian Web Trends Blog: Church Websites, Design, SEO

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Last week as a part of our Thanksgiving Month theme, we talked about 7 Ways to Express Gratitude Online.

Another great way to show your gratitude towards volunteers is to feature a “volunteer of the month” (or “volunteer of the week” if your ambitious) on your blog and/or Facebook page.

Do you want to help people in your organization get to know each other better?

A volunteer of the month feature can help to do that if you “interview” your volunteers (details below) and share their stories.

Do you wish your people interacted more in between meetings and events?

One of the big challenges within churches is that to create genuine community, people need to do more together than just show up once a week for a service. The same is true schools, nonprofits and even businesses that want to create a team culture. Getting people to something else together can be difficult, so one way to foster more interaction is to do it online.

Do you wish your website, blog and/or Facebook page had more visitors and engagement?

A volunteer of the month feature is an easy to way to create foster more engagement online. I guarantee every volunteer of the month feature you publish will get lots of comments and likes as other people within your organization add their expressions of gratitude.

How to create a volunteer of the month feature

There are many different ways to do a volunteer of the month feature, but I believe the two things that will help the most are to include a visual of the volunteer (picture or video) and to have the volunteer answer some questions. The questions could be a part of an interview captured on video. Or you could email questions to a volunteer, and include their answers and a photo in a blog post or Facebook post.

Some possible volunteer questions include:

Gratitude and love are always multiplied when you give freely. It is an infinite source of contentment and prosperous energy. –Jim Fargiano

Click to share this image on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram

While the primary motives for doing a Volunteer of the Month feature should be to recognize volunteers and build community, a side benefit is that creating fresh, interesting, and engaging content will help your website’s search rankings. In other words, it’s good for SEO.

If you think you could benefit from having an SEO pro help you with your church SEO or SEO for your Christian school, ministry or business, request a free phone consultation so we can discuss your situation and how SEO can help you better live out your mission online.

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