
8 Technical Tips for SEO in eCommerce – Poptin blog

When designing eCommerce websites for clients, you already know that SEO is a crucial factor.

The advantages of  an online store SEO promotion as the first digital channel for attracting customers:

Checking positions

SE Ranking checks site positions in the most popular search engines while allowing you to select one or several regions. Depending on the selected tariff plan, you can simultaneously track information in several substations and regions at once.

By adding keywords to track data, you can group them into folders, sort them by various parameters, and delete duplicates right on upload.

Pay attention to automatic link building services for eCommerce sites

Link building is a great way to drive organic traffic and improve website rankings. In this environment, link building is necessary. Some people provide services in this area, so the fastest and easiest way to build links for your site will be outsourcing.

Have someone else handle the hard work while you are busy with other processes. You can do branding, promote ads, or participate in social media discussions, and link building can be done by a seasoned professional.

Optimize your most important pages

If you decide to do your online store website SEO-promotion, start with the most important pages: the main page, product cards, category pages, and blog posts. Most people see them, and engagement largely depends on them.

Here are some tips for optimizing these pages:

Searchable URLs

Use simple, straightforward URLs that both people and search engines will read. Avoid numbers, rare symbols, and meaningless letter combinations.

Optimizing product pages

The promotion of product pages of an online store includes several stages. 

Optimizing categories

Links to related products. Some products have a common theme, and it is better to link to them. For example, if you sell helmets, you should provide links to gloves or boots: all these are personal protective equipment.

Analysis of link promotion strategies for competitors’ online stores

Competitor analysis is one of the most obvious ways to find effective link building strategies to get you started quickly.

Take the top 10 search results for your main keyword for analysis. The list found sites in an Excel spreadsheet.

Then use an Ahrefs ‘analysis to find all of your competitors’ backlinks.

Don’t forget about strategic internal links

Internal links take visitors from one page of your site to another, and the more clicks a page gets, the higher the link mass and the better for SEO.

Links to priority pages

Place links to main categories or products/services in the navigation bar or footer. Add these links to the most popular posts on your blog.

The breadcrumb is the sequence of pages from the home page to the one the visitor is currently viewing. Usually, the breadcrumbs are located at the top of the page.

Links to related products

Add a section where you recommend related products to customers. This method not only helps to get backlinks but also increases sales. But don’t overdo it: there shouldn’t be too many links.

Visibility & site structure

Remember: you are creating an online store for customers. Hold every single client accountable and make the site as user-friendly as possible: you don’t want them to open it and close it right away/

An online store’s structure is an important component of successful comprehensive promotion of an eCommerce project.

When compiling the site’s structure, the principles of thematic classification of information (the transition from general concepts to more specific ones), search queries on the topic, and the convenience of the user when searching for the necessary information are taken into account.

Since the thematic classification for finding the right products is inconvenient in some topics, the site may have different ways of classifying and structuring the same products so that the user finds them faster.

In this case, one of the classifiers can be the main one, and the rest are auxiliary. Drawing up a site structure is a laborious and time-consuming process of processing information about a business, subsequent structuring, and visualization. 

It should be easy for buyers to navigate from page to page:

Page loading speed

When ranking, Google takes into account the speed of website loading: usually people don’t like to wait. Here are some tips:

Optimize page load time

Perhaps, it’s one of the most pervasive technical issues an optimizer can face. It is also quite often overlooked and rarely considered, because of the significant cost of many solutions.

Page load speed can be affected by simple things such as large image sizes, too many HTTP requests, and multiple DNS requests, as well as poorly configured servers, inefficient or poorly managed code.

A complete redesign of the site, platform changes, and moving subdomains and servers can significantly improve page loading speed.

And each of these steps entails a series of major, technical changes.

A blog is a must

First and foremost, some blog statistics:

The list goes on. To succeed in e-commerce, a blog is essential: it helps keep your site up to date, reduce bounce rates, generate backlinks, improve your brand image, increase authority in your niche, and help your business grow in general.

Here are some guidelines for blogging:

Write guest posts on other people’s blogs

Refer to well-known blogs in your niche to increase visibility and get outbound links to your online store or landing page.

Hreflang implementation

This aspect concerns everyone who has entered the international level. In fact, hreflang is not easy to implement and is often misimplemented. People forget about self-references, use incorrect or incomplete code, skip just one territory from a list, don’t include all versions of a page, or simply forget to check their implementation regularly.

Any of these mistakes can negate all the work done, and leave you with duplicate content and rapidly falling ratings.

You should study technical specifications, get professional recommendations, and. follow these simple technical steps if you want to succeed in eCommerce and avoid unnecessary drudgery.

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