
7 Tips to Writing SEO Optimized Content for WordPress

Even though WordPress is an SEO-friendly CMS, that’s not enough to satisfy the demands of search engine crawlers. If you want to improve your rank and drive more traffic to your website, you need to write optimized content.

Creating content with search engine optimization in mind will boost your efforts to get to the top of search results. Without using the right tactics to craft optimized content, your website doesn’t stand a chance.

Are you ready to learn about the best practices for writing SEO optimized content? Then, keep reading and employ the following tips.

1. Lead in with Keywords Research

Embedding the target keywords will be much less of a hassle if you prepare them in advance. If you write the content first and then start adding keywords, you can end up with a mess. 

Do thorough keywords research prior to writing. Make a list of short and long-tail keywords that you want to use in content. Remember that you shouldn’t overstuff the content with keywords, so prioritize the most relevant keywords.

With your list of keywords in front of you, start writing. You’ll notice how you’ll find just the right place for your keywords during writing. You’ll also get ideas that will include the keywords. 

2. Write Attention-Grabbing Titles 

Titles are extremely important. They signal to search engines and readers what the page is all about. With compelling titles, you’ll drive more traffic and prove the value of your website.

The rule of thumb is that the title always needs to be relevant to the content. If the title doesn’t match the story behind it, the users will be disappointed. Moreover, your bounce rate will increase. 

To trigger an emotional response, you can incorporate power words. Also, don’t forget to include the primary keywords in the title. 

3. Make a Good Use Out of Header Tags

Header tags are a very useful optimization tool. They don’t demand any special effort, but they contribute to your optimization strategy. 

“While it’s been said that H1s don’t directly affect organic rankings, it’d be impossible not to consider them to be a significant part of each web page’s overall optimization and, therefore, presentation. If headers can help people understand the content on the page in an easier way, they can likely help search engines in a similar manner”, wrote Sam Hollingsworth, the VP of Digital Strategy at Elevation Ten Thousand in his post for Search Engine Journal

How to use header tags? Well, simply organize your titles and headings with H1, H2, H3, and other header tags. The H1 tag is used for the title of the post, while H2, H3, and so on are used for subsequent headings. 

4. Write Engaging Content

Elements such as keywords, backlinks, internal links, and so on aren’t the only path towards optimization. There’s another aspect of content that is essential – engagement.

If your content isn’t engaging, you won’t be able to retain users’ attention past the headline. Therefore, all your SEO actions will be in vain. 

You need to craft content that readers will love. Find out what type of topics interest your readers. Use different writing techniques such as storytelling

If you aren’t certain about your content’s engagement, use an editing tool to assess it. Here are a few useful tools that can help you in your times of need:

●     Grammarly – Aside from being a great online editing tool, Grammarly also shows your content’s engagement. A low engagement score means that your content needs some more work.

●     Readable – If you are confident in your writing, but you just want to check the content’s comprehension and engagement, Readable is the solution. It will show you the content’s readability score. The tool will also highlight confusing and lengthy sentences that will diminish readers’ experience. 

In case you need inspiration for writing educational and informative content that is also engaging, there’s a solution for that as well. Go on and find here an essay samples database and get some ideas of engaging topics for your audience. 

5. Use Internal Linking

Adding links to other posts and pages on your website increases the users’ dwell time. Consequently, search engine crawlers will observe your website as engaging and worthy of users’ time. 

Use appropriate keywords that refer to a different post on your website. Then, simply add a link to that post. Digital marketers emphasize that you should solely link posts that are related to the topic you are covering. You don’t want to lead your readers from “The Best Android Smartphones in the Last Decade” post to “Top Fishing Gear for 2020.”

6. Don’t Forget about the Meta Description

Meta descriptions often get overlooked, even though they are very important for SEO-friendly content. These snippets give a glimpse into what your content offers. That glimpse can convince users to click on their link.

To write an effective meta-description you should include the primary keywords and present your content in short. That is, explain your topic in a nutshell and attract the attention of search crawlers with keywords. You will see how such a simple step can make a world of difference in your SEO strategy. 

7. Organize Your Content for Maximum Comprehension

Both search engines and readers love well-organized content. Using headlines, subheadings, bullet points, numbers, and other structural elements will improve your content’s engagement and boost comprehension.

Plan and organize your content by using short paragraphs, white space, and segment the main ideas into sections. You can also use bullet points and numbers to make it more digestible. In that way, the search engines can spot all the information your content offers and connect more searches to that page. 

Final Thoughts

Search engine optimization can seem like a tiring task at first, but once you embrace useful SEO methods, you’ll be unstoppable. Hopefully, these tips will help you clarify what you need to focus on to optimize your WordPress website’s content. Take time to figure out the best approach for utilizing all these tactics. Remember that the more you practice content optimization, the easier it will get. 

BIO: Kristin Savage nourishes, sparks, and empowers using the magic of a word. Along with pursuing her degree in Creative Writing, Kristin was gaining experience in the publishing industry, with expertise in marketing strategy for publishers and authors. Besides working as a freelance writer at ClassyEssay, she also does some editing work at SupremeDissertations and Subjecto. In her free time, Kristin likes to travel and explore new countries around the world.

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