
Why E-Socializer can be a gamechanger in social media marketing – Yalla Deals – Classifieds platform to buy sell & rent anything in UAE

The steam engine drove the Industrial revolution. Cars, trains, boats, and locomotives evolved from those engines. 
Now there’s a new evolution of engines that will drive the digital marketing revolution. Imagine an engine that can fully automate your social media marketing by analyzing extensive marketing data, market trends, and social signals in real-time.

How does that sound? What about an engine that can execute highly targeted campaigns on different social media platforms?

Introducing E-socializer, the world’s most powerful, AI-based, driverless marketing engine. 

What is E-Socializer? 

E-Socializer provides simplified social identity management for individuals, SMEs, and large corporations by collaborating, publishing, and measuring the performance of social media profiles and marketing campaigns. 

E-Socializer’s primary goal is to reduce -if not eliminate- the efforts that marketing people put in to read and analyze social trends. The result is the automatic implementation of the best possible targeting landscape for a product.

This intelligent engine can automatically launch, monitor, and manage marketing campaigns to get the cleanest results for the lowest cost possible by integrating with popular social media networks. E-Sociliazer automates marketing campaign generation, audience profile selection, and budget utilization through a state-of-the-art social media marketing engine.  

All of this happens in one place.

To make it even more exciting, we topped this off with Yalla Deals, a classifieds platform built on top of E-socializer. 

By connecting Yalla Deals to E-socializer, we bring the power of targeted social media marketing to an easy-to-use classifieds platform. This dual approach can maximize the chances of closing a deal by reaching the right clients directly on different social media channels, rather than waiting for someone to find an ad among thousands on a single platform.

How does the marketing engine work?

E-Socializer is integrated with popular social media networks, including but not limited to Facebook Suite, Google Suite, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram, Blogger, Vimo, VK, and others.

Our servers and APIs continuously synchronize with different keyword providers and social media marketing APIs to automatically create thousands of audience profiles, identify matches, and group them based on specific criteria. 

This is the magical process of “finetuning.” The engine has three subset engines:

The Collection Engine is based on the following criteria: 

– Interests and interest weight (general and current).

– Income (based on locations, interests, positions, and online activities).

– Engagement Levels (how active they are online, how often they buy online, etc.). 

The outcomes of the Collection Engine are passed to the analysis engine, which performs the following: 

– Apply different layers on the groups to identify interest overlaps. Such interest overlaps allow us to target the same “person/group” using different sets of keywords and interest profiles.

– Analyze our campaigns’ historical data along with the customer behavioral data we collect from different data panels to build trends such as:

– Best performing attributes for a specific type of campaign.

– Best performing ads based on the time of day, day of the week, day of the month.

– Lowest CPL, CPC, CPM for different attribute sets.

– Correlate ads/post content (category, description, location, price, etc…) and the target budget with the list of keywords attached to the audience profiles and trends created; to identify the best audience profile and campaign attributes set for a post.

The outcomes of the Analysis Engine are passed to the execution engine, which performs or “finetunes” the following: 

– Group ads/posts based on their interest profiles (we skip this step for a single post).

– Create a campaign, ad, or ad set with the best configuration of targeting attributes as recommended by the analysis engine.

– Collect leads/stats, and post them on the Yalla Bridge engine.

Yalla bridge processes the messages and shares the stats with clients over:

– API calls or message queue.

– SFTP folders.

Let Yalla Deals and E-socializer take care of your marketing needs. Join the AI revolution.

Have any questions? We’re glad to help. 

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