
Video Marketing Tips for the Big Win

Video Marketing really is the next big thing. Video doesn’t look like it will be going anywhere soon and continues to be at the top when it comes to digital advertising.

According to Knoxweb, who has been in the digital advertising arena since 1996, video marketing is the only way to get noticed. However, there are some things you should know before you yell, “Action.”

Video Marketing Tips You Can Bank On

1. Write Stories Not Sales Pitches

Before social media, brands advertised on television, in magazines and on the radio. Go back in time and you’ll remember that TV, print and radio ads always told a story and while there was a strong call to action, it still had a story. With social media telling a story is even more important as the audience expects it.

The best videos tell stories that the viewer connects with. Come up with ideas that tell your story and the story of your brand.

2. Get to the Point in the Beginning

Use those first seconds to the best of your ability as the average attention span isn’t getting any longer. Your opening must be good enough to stop the people from scrolling right by. Knoxweb explains that you must let the viewers know your video is worth watching in the first 3 to 5 seconds or they will not stop to watch.

Upload an interesting thumbnail with your video as well as it is also a great way to grab attention getting your viewers excited before they push play.

3. Target Your Social Media Audience

Facebook and Instagram make it easy to target your relevant audience. With extremely in depth targeting you can select your audience. In fact, you can target every post on your page. By sharing posts you are reaching more of your demographic.

If you follow the Knoxweb Blog you will remember that you can target your audience by age, gender, location and language. This is an incredible way to attract the attention of the people who will actually buy your products and/or services. The last thing you want to do is attract 50 year olds when your products are for kids.

4. Video Marketing With and Without Sound

Not everyone is able to handle snippets of sound from videos while scrolling. Now that Facebook autoplays video, you will hear sounds unless the user is in silent mode. While the jury is still out as to how this really affects social media viewing habits, an astonishing 85 percent of video views occur with no sound.

It’s important to create video marketing videos that look great with and without sound. When you write your scripts make them compelling so there is no need for sound. Kind of like a silent movie.

5. Don’t Forget your CTA with Video Marketing

Your Call to Action is vital. Also known as a CTA, calls to action get people to take the next step. Create strong calls to action so that people will want to click and buy, or at least click and learn more.

You can ask your audience to subscribe to your site or channel, follow or like your page, share your page with friends or comment on your video. You can even lead people to other content on your channel with a strong CTA.

Knoxweb explains that 90 percent of people on the internet trust recommendations from peers as opposed to brand adverts. This is very important for video marketing.

When an influencer you trust recommends a service or product it seems more genuine. When consumers share their thoughts about a certain brand viewers are more apt to take the next step towards purchase as well. Search for prominent influencers or have someone on your team become one.

7. Optimization for Video Marketing

There are more than 6.5 billion searches every day on YouTube and Google combined. If you want your videos to get noticed you must optimize them so people can find you.

Search engine optimization, or SEO is no different than content when it comes to search engine rank. This means you must include relevant keywords in your videos, titles and Meta descriptions. Don’t forget pictures and your H2 and H3 headers either as they add to the mix.

Video Marketing with the Best of the Best

Video marketing is an excellent way to boost your end of your earnings and your online presence. Call, send a text or a direct message and find out more from Knoxweb today.

The post Video Marketing Tips for the Big Win appeared first on Knoxweb.

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