
TikTok for Brands – Why EVERY Brand Should Have a TikTok Content Strategy in 2021

Here’s the truth: Instagram grids are dead. If you want to build a brand using organic social media content in 2021, then TikTok and IG Reels are the place to be. You are a brand. And so…you need to use tiktok for business and have a clear tiktok marketing strategy.

Short-form video is the best social media content strategy you can have right now. And while we’re far from the social media experts or content strategy experts you might want us to be, we do understand that putting time and effort into consistent TikTok videos is what you need to do. TikTok for business is the new norm, so get with it.

If you want TikTok video ideas, just scroll through TikTok and re-make content and trends that you think are great. This is a simple TikTok marketing strategy. Or search for TikTok video ideas on YouTube, Instagram, etc and find some type of content you can re-create. But most importantly, just try a whole bunch of different video content ideas, see what works and gets views, and then create video content in that style to get more views on TikTok. That’s how to use TikTok for your business. TikTok for business.

It’s 2021, and if your content strategy for brand building is to post static instagram content and hope that strangers see it, then you’re not going to be successful. You need to grow with the times, stop worrying about what people think, and create awesome video content that can grow your brand on TikTok.

This is not about overnight success, this is about consistent social content that builds an audience over time. From personal experience, this will help build sales if your product is at least decent. I am a horrible content creator and I’m having success on TikTok, so you can do it too!

Or, if you don’t want to show your face on camera ever…no worries! Find a TikTok influencer (or many TikTok influencers) and pay them to post on your behalf. TikTok influencer marketing is a very effective marketing strategy in our experience and if you’re not taking advantage of this moment then you’re leaving money on the table. The doldrums of marketing are over – and now you can create engaging social content that moves the needle and can actually generate sales. And the best part is, we no longer have to give all of our money to Facebook and Amazon ads!

This clip is from episode 73 of Deyus Life: An Aspirational Podcast. Deyus Life is a show about interesting people and interesting conversations. Have a question or want to be featured on the show? Email deyuspod@gmail.com or visit livedeyus.com and click “podcast”. We read and respond to EVERY email – including yours.

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