
Social Media Agency Newton Abbot – Social Media Marketing Agency

Having a highly detailed plan of the content that you are going to be producing for social media will help you achieve your business goals. It is the same as a builder building a house by following a design from an architect. They do not just turn up to an empty field and start building. It takes meticulous planning from a group of people with different skill sets to create a detailed strategy of how, why, and what needs to be done in order to succeed. A social media strategy is a roadmap to reaching your business goals by posting informative content consistently, to increase your engagement levels and brand awareness.

A successful social media marketing strategy is more than posting a few photos every now and then and liking a few posts from other people. It requires a well thought out plan, so you know exactly what is going to be posted when, and onto what platform.

In order to create a successful social media marketing strategy, you need to undertake some meticulous research that should provide you with the answers to:

During your research and planning stage, you should focus on who your audience is and which platforms they mostly use. Each business has its own niche audience, and so does each social media platform. Instagram is more visual. LinkedIn is good for networking and increasing your business to business (B2B) leads. Twitter’s character limit forces you to create short and snappy captions. Once you find that audience, you can collect information on what content they interact with the most and on which platforms, what they look for in a brand and how they engage with other companies in the same industry.

Something that you need to incorporate into a successful social media strategy is interacting with your customers and other businesses. Once you start to receive more engagements on your content, you need to decide how you will respond. It is important to establish a tone of voice for all your marketing content, but this needs to be consistent across all social media platforms. Whilst LinkedIn tends to be more formal than Twitter or Instagram, you still need to get the same messages across. Adapting your tone of voice for different platforms but keeping it recognisable as your brand will help you grow your business and increase sales.

Part of a successful social media strategy that you should also think about is running paid for social media ads alongside your organic posts. These paid for ads will help you target potential new customers that have an interest in your products and services.

Working with a social media marketing agency, you will have access to a team of people who will be able to help devise a successful social media strategy for your business.

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