
How to learn Social Media Marketing and why it’s so important

Hey guys and thank you for coming into this segment on how to use your social media, and online opportunities the right way.

Still, to this day and age, so many people don’t know how to use social media properly. As we move closer towards the future, I don’t know if things will still be the same, or if people will actually learn how to make serious use out of the online equipment they have access too.

Do you realize the opportunity you have right at your fingertips? you use Facebook everyday, and since I started my 2 online businesses, I have never seen such wasted tools and opportunities in my life. Unless I tell or warn people about these opportunities, I seriously don’t think they will ever actually find it on their own like I did.

What do I mean about what I’m saying here?

The social sphere of your technology isn’t just to use for nothing. For example, as I piece together sitting on the train, all I see are people sitting on their phones. What I don’t get is how they are actually still doing it, when I can’t. The reason why I can’t is because I have just been on it all day as it’s my online business, and my job is to reach out to people.

Start using Social Media is a positive way and earn money

Facebook is a free platform. By the way, when I say Facebook Im also meaning all of the social platforms. I’ll say Facebook for short.

Facebook is a social platform. It is a way to speak to thousands of people (if your post goes viral). Now what do I mean by post? well, you can make a simple post within your Facebook, and send it only to your timeline, but this isn’t really what Facebook is for. Did you know you have actually been taught wrong, on what Facebook is? when you first signed up, you would have thought oh grouse, this is sweet as, and what knot. The whole time not even knowing that your personal timeline post isn’t the real posting in which Facebook uses. Take for instance all the posts that Owner Mark Zuckerberg posts to Facebook. Do you actually think that he’s posting those posts? I’m getting the sense that when people see Marks posts in there timelines that they are actually thinking he’s sitting at a computer posting them. Well, sorry to break your point but he’s not. Those posts are being made by other websites.

What posts are scrolling down your Facebook News feed?

When you are on Facebook and you’re scrolling down your timeline, your feed is full of post, ads, and articles. Some of the posts are from your friends, but as we get older, you can’t see your own friends posts anymore. I don’t know if you know this, but it’s true, unless you work hard talking to all your friends on Facebook, over time, your friends won’t turn up in your news feed.

Things like this is the reason why the earth can’t keep going on, because there are issues larger than us that have their own plans for everything.

All of the posts scrolling down your news feed are all from websites that are actually sitting in an office all day writing them. Do you know why these websites are writing these posts? to make money. That’s one reason, and the other reason is to make use of the free advertising agency that Facebook is.

Facebook is a free advertising agency that multi million dollar websites know about, and take advantage of everyday.

This is what Facebook is for. Im writing this post in an attempt to try and get people to see how instead of using Facebook for nothing, they could take heed, and actually turn their lives into serious powers of wealth.

Whenever I see these people coming sitting on the trains coming home from work, the looks on there faces are even nice. I can literally see, they look angry.

Can you imagine being at work all day for a crappy $150-192 per day, and then only to get on to you Facebook that isn’t even the same anymore. Because it’s been years, you don’t even like your own Facebook anymore, and I know this because it started happening to me. In my Facebook, im seeing it the way it was when I first started, now it’s full with Garbo. No Matter how hard you try keeping your book clean, it will keep filling up with Garbo.

Do you want to use Facebook the way it’s meant to be used?

The Facebook posts that you see scrolling down your feed each day comes from websites, where they have someone blogging on whatever it is that they are talking about. This is the real way to use Facebook. If you ask me why, it’s because it’s business, don’t you want money? we just discussed how little you earn at work, and then to sit on your Facebook doing nothing when every other website is making millions, it’s something you could look into.

If you want to use Facebook in a way where it’s making you money, it isn’t hard to learn how. While it will make you money, it will be the whole foundation of what your business, and your Facebook Fan is. It’s the growing of your online website, that you are forever gaining more trust in the Google search engines.

This is the world of business, and if you are not aware of this, and taking your piece, then there’s no idea what you are actually thinking as a human being. I mean, what adult old enough to use Facebook doesn’t have the intellect to see what is going on here. You create a website, write a post, and then share your content to Facebook.

Check out the picture below, you may be familiar with this, it’s called a Social Share button that which shares your website with Social media platforms:

How to learn Social Media Marketing and why it's so important

In the picture above, it shows you all the social sharing widgets that I have on one of my websites. This is so when people come to my site, they can share any of the content, and it helps me get my label off the ground more. Mind you, getting your websites label off the ground isn’t really needed after 6 months because of the traffic that which you get from the search engines.

Now I understand that some of you may be to spaced out, in a serious way. Some people may not have the intellect to build a website, and that’s fine, but second to that, I think there’s tons of people who are looking for exactly what Im talking about.

To be able to jump from being at work to going home, and knowing that you have done things with social media all day that aren’t wasteful is huge. When I think about social media, it’s about sharing my brand, and allowing other people share my content as well. This is what the whole world is doing. What did you think that that was Mark Zuckerberg behind all he’s posts?

The internet is completely run off websites. It is very easy to do. You pick an interest (niche) build a website, and earn money (get traffic). Check out the picture below:

Do you want to know what the big secret is that the internet has been hiding from you this whole time, and has to do with how to make money? this here. The picture above shows you a technique that which you build a website, build traffic, and then earn money. This technique is called affiliate marketing, and it’s because each online business that has products make affiliate programs. When any online business has an affiliate program, you can bring your traffic and sign up to there program and make money off them by helping sell their products.

When you have your website set up, it then becomes your world. As you can see this website is my business, and I can sign up to any affiliate program I want, and this allows me to be able to make money with my content, and their links.

It is good practice that when your getting set up that you add the social buttons to your website, and then this is how you share your content to social media. This is how all of the posts you see in your news feed functions. If you wanted to change the way you live, or get smart about the way the world works, then this is where you will start.

Why sit there completely unaware of the way the internet works when you can take this opportunity and create something that will take you to the next level.

If you want to take action now, then here’s how:

You can get started right away at the platform where I train. There’s 2 modules, and they are both for 2 separate websites. The module is called Online Entrepreneur Certification, and the second module is called Affiliate Bootcamp. The reason why there’s two apart from grabbing more training, is because one website is for your own interest, and the second site is for the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate. The Wealthy Affiliate website is one with serious opportunities, and you can find out more about that here.

The first module which is for an interest of your own is so you can build an affiliate site, with any affiliate program you choose. The two main affiliate programs are Amazon and eBay.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime so if you’re reading this, then drop comments below if you have any questions. If you don’t have questions, then I’ll see you on the inside after you get signed up.

Thanks for reading!

Start using Social Media is a positive way and earn money

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