
How Can I Create a Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy?

In the past, social media was not considered a viable option for marketing a business. However, over the years, the idea of social media marketing has changed as the industry has matured. Social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram are a great option for brands to have fun and see a nice impact on the company’s bottom line. To be successful, you must learn how to use social media websites in tandem with your other business strategies.

As the premier digital marketing firm in Charleston, South Carolina, we want to help you understand how to create a profitable marketing strategy. In this article, we will discuss creating goals to solve business challenges, using social media to add value to your business, the importance of developing business opportunities provided by social media, engaging potential customers, and the benefit of tracking your business as well as your competitors.

What is the Importance of Creating Goals to Solve Business Challenges?

Setting goals is essential to any marketing or business strategy. With social media, there is a range of capabilities that can be used to find your objectives. Consider what online challenges you face right now. Have you found that the traffic on your website has dropped? Has your customer loyalty waned? Do you need to build a stronger and more positive brand reputation? Do people need to be aware that your product or service exists? You can use these challenges as a way to set goals to be successful.

Take for example low website traffic. Lower traffic means fewer customers and a decrease in profits. To fight low website traffic, your team that focuses on social media needs to consider focusing their goals towards creating links that take consumers directly to your website and can be done via social media posts on your pages. When you link to useful content and subpages, you can use your website and brand as a resource instead of just another option within your company. This can lead to an increase in traffic plus revenues in the long run.

How Can I Use Social Media Networks to Add Value to My Business?

There are several social media networks available but not everyone will work to help you reach the objectives of your brand. Focus on the networks that can help to build your brand. For example, as a restaurant owner, Facebook is a quality network in which to use. Facebook offers you the option to set up menus, add photos of new menu items and engage with your followers to let them know about specials, new additions, upcoming events, etc. With Facebook, you can fully create brand awareness with a quality social media campaign.

If you choose to use Facebook, you should anticipate a change in your consumer engagement as well as traffic flow, both at your website plus within your restaurant business. Should you decide to use Twitter, you will have the ability to post a tweet but nothing else and this limits your marketing. While you should use multiple social media channels, finding the added value networks will help your business to become more successful in the long run.

What is the Value of Creating Engaging Social Media Marketing Content?

Anyone can post on social media but, as a business, you want your content to be engaging and relevant. You should post status updates, photos, notes, posts, etc. to engage the consumer. You want your potential clients to look forward to your posts and take part in the conversation. When they do, you will develop a loyal following and your posts will be shared and talked about which leads to more followers, traffic flow, and sales. Engaging content establishes you as a leader in the industry.

Another way to establish expertise in your industry is to add videos to your website to provide an inside look at your business. You can also create quality infographics to show consumers what you offer enticed them to try your products or services.

What are the Business Opportunities Available to You Via Social Media?

Because social media is now an integral part of any business, you want to learn how to find business opportunities that are available via such networks. Consider brand mentions. You can get high quality leads with brand mentions and engage with potential customers who mention your brand, thus, creating a relationship and a client who can be your brand advocate.

You can also find more business opportunities by tracking your competitors. Research what your competitors are offering and create strategies to on your business’s website to create familiarity with your brand. This offers a wonderful opportunity to illustrate the differences between your business and competitors.

How Can I Engage Potential Clients Through Social Media Marketing?

One of the most important steps to social media marketing engaging with your potential customers. If someone comments on a post, photo or writes on your Facebook wall, comment back. From Twitter to Instagram and Facebook, you must engage with potential clients to become a top performing brand. If customers feel ignored, they will patronize other business with the same type of product.

What are the Benefits of Tracking Your Social Media Marketing Efforts?

By utilizing the above suggestions, you will be able to gauge what is working and what needs to be altered. Your social media team should be using analytics to pinpoint what is working and what you need to do differently. Find out what is driving traffic to your website, creating overall revenues and conversions.

Once you have a social media marketing strategy that produces results, build on the success. Through website analytics, you will discover what is driving traffic to your website and expand upon it.

A quality, client-generating social media marketing campaign can make or break a business. Do not leave your marketing to chance. Call the digital marketing experts at DigitalCoast Marketing to develop a winning digital marketing strategy and campaign for your business.

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