
Best Brand Ads Using Cinemagraphs on Social Media and Digital Marketing – March 2018 | Flixel

Cinemagraphs are a type of micro-video content. They are composed like a photo, with a short, repeating motion that captures attention. Cinemagraphs are small in file size, require no sound, and tell mesmerizing visual stories. Top brands are now using cinemagraphs to increase engagement, lower costs, and drive better results in their digital marketing and social media campaigns. They’re used for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat ads, where they auto-play and auto-loop. Get inspired by these awesome brand ads using perfectly looped cinemagraphs, including global fashion brand H&M, HBO to promote Season 2 of Westworld, Lorde and her Melodrama World Tour, Amazon Video, and more!

Want to learn about how cinemagraphs outperform still photos in digital marketing campaigns and as Facebook ads? Check out our cinemagraph case studies series:

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Best Brand Ads Using Cinemagraphs on Social Media and Digital Marketing - March 2018 | Flixel

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