
7 Tips to Successfully Run a Social Media Marketing Campaign

Most people think of social media marketing as just simple tweets and Facebook posts. While on the surface this is true, there are a lot more complexities that go into running a successful marketing campaign. People who aren’t aware of these minuscule details will likely end up with campaigns that perform poorly at best, and weaken your brand at worst.
So, dear readers, we’re here to make sure your campaign doesn’t fail and to keep your brand safe! We’re about to give you few tips that will help lead to more successful campaigns. Without further ado, let’s get into them.

Keep an Eye on Your Analytics

Analytics are pretty much the only way you’ll know if your campaign is actually working. Some platforms like Facebook offer their own tools to monitor the progress of your posts. But with some platforms you’re going to have to use third party applications to monitor your analytics. And what if your campaign is complex and involves many posts across many different platforms? How do you pull together all the information about these posts into one place? The Broadcast App is a great way to do that: we provide detailed analytics from all your platforms and all your different accounts in one place.

Experiment with the Time of Your Posts

If you’re going to be targeting an audience on the other corner of the globe, you’re going to need to adjust to their times. You shouldn’t make posts go live when the people there are sleeping. You’re probably wondering if that means you will have to wake up in the middle of the night to send out a post. Well, technically, you don’t.
Scheduling posts mainly works well if you’re looking to target an audience that is quite a few hours ahead or behind your local time. Instead of having to wake up in the middle of the night at 3 AM to click on a post button, you should schedule a post to go out automatically and sleep easy. This feature isn’t available on most social media platforms and once again, Broadcast App can help you! You can prepare the post ahead of time and then specify the time when you’d like it to be posted. Broadcast will then make sure that the post goes out at exactly that time and not a minute earlier.

Add the Right Type of Media

This is something that most small businesses struggle with. They don’t know whether a certain post needs a video or just a simple image. What most companies tend to do is that they just pay a video editor to make a bunch of videos and they end up linking one to each post. Or sometimes, the company doesn’t use videos at all. The best way to know whether your post needs an image or video would be to ask a friend for some help. Show them a version of the post with the image and then one with the video, and ask them which one is easier to understand. This might seem like too much work, but trust us on this one; it could make or break your entire campaign.

Frequently Change Your Strategies

This is sort of related to the first point: analytics. The big reason behind displaying analytics is to allow businesses to learn from the past and adjust their future campaigns accordingly. Analytics on different posts can often tell you where the campaign needs work. That’s why you need to constantly change the formula of your posts to please your audience. Maybe the audience doesn’t like your writing style, or they don’t like the videos you included. Whatever the case is, the problems become crystal clear through the analytics. That’s why it is important that you utilize the services of some third party applications to provide analytics for each post. This way you’ll know what works with your audience.

Repost, Repost and Repost!

Reposting is a great way to entertain new customers. Maybe you made a post a year ago and the majority of your potential customers haven’t seen it. It might be a good idea to post that one again today. But there’s a fine line between reposting something and being annoying. We’ve seen a bunch of businesses that repost the things they sent out a week ago. Recurring content is only good if there’s a decent interval between the reposts. If you keep sharing the same stuff over and over instead of creating new content, you’ll start losing followers pretty quickly.

Hire Content Writers

Social Media Posts can be a bit tricky. Explaining something to someone in 500 words is easy. But getting your point across to thousands of people in just three or four sentences is really difficult. A lot of companies struggle with this. They fail to explain their product in just a few lines and people aren’t interested and they just scroll past. Well, you’ll want to make sure that doesn’t happen. In this case, it might not be a bad idea to get help from professionals. There are great writers available on the internet for a reasonable rate. These writers will make sure that your posts are short, but sweet.

Maintain a Strict Posting Routine

Another thing that gets a page a bunch of followers is consistency. It’s much better to post once or twice every day rather than posting a dozen times all at once after a hiatus. Consistency not only keeps your followers engaged, it keeps your business in the picture. By picture, we mean that those posts keep the name of your business fresh in the mind of the people following your page. This is a great way to gain customers because your existing followers will be more likely to become customers, and they’ll also be more likely to recommend your services to their friends.

Closing Thoughts

As we said at the beginning of this article, it’s difficult to run a successful marketing campaign. Most people think that it’s easy, but it’s not. Fortunately, there are a ton of resources out there to help. If you’re not sure you can dedicate the time, we recommend that you don’t try social media marketing on your own. You could hire a person to take care of the campaigns for you but that might be slightly more than you’re willing to spend right now. You could also use an app like Broadcast to help manage your campaign execution and monitor their performance. We offer a free plan for you to get your feet wet, and paid plans (with advanced features and limits) start at $10 per month and have a 2 week trial period. It’s a great way to relieve some of the burden, so why not give it shot! Check out our website to learn more!

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