
6 Video Marketing Tips So You Can Say Goodbye To Overwhelm

Be Ready When Opportunity Knocks

Slice of life is more magnetic | Here’s a surprise video tip: Less is more effective when it comes to really growing your business.

Just as your audience wants to really see you to build the know, like and trust bond, a heavily produced set or fancy “too pro” videography filming techniques actually puts a wall up between you and your audience.

Don’t forget- in today’s modern business zeitgeist, using what you have at hand is more engaging and converts better, because people relate to real people over a fabricated, albeit pretty, super pro video.

Let’s Talk Gear (The kind that doesn’t freak you out even if you’re not techie).

AUDIO – There are so many clever ways to get decent audio these days that you don’t need to have a big distracting mic plunked in front of you or wear a huge “air traffic controller” headset. More times than not, I just use my iPhone when I’m on the go.

There is a trend to use stage mics for recording videos. Frankly, I think it looks out of place. Like the person is trying to not so subtly let you know that they also speak from the stage… it’s personal preference. Use what you have to get going!

CAMERA – Most of the videos I do are either with my iPhone, my MacBook Pro built-in camera or a Logitech StreamCam webcam hooked up to my desktop or perched on a tripod for a better angle. It really can be that simple.

LIGHTING – Good lighting is like a facelift without the scalpel 😉 Funny yet true. Not only does the right lighting make a video appear more pro, but it also is a whole lot more flattering.

Set and Setting: Avoid Stuffy Office Syndrome

Avoid Stuffy Office Syndrome by not sitting in a generic area that looks like a stock photo from an Office Depot catalog. Be Creative!

Add your personality to your surroundings by creating a background of interesting and personal items. Arrange books, objects, and photos on a shelf so they show the true you with some simple shelf “styling” or add artwork behind you arranged in a pleasing yet non-busy manner.

You don’t always have to be in the same spot and can definitely find favorite filming areas depending on the available natural light and the vibe you are trying to convey.

Be Your Own Glam Squad

If you want go position yourself as an authority in your niche, you need to be perceived as credible and relevant. That doesn’t mean you need to buy a new video wardrobe but learn how to shop your closet for the style tweaks that keep you on brand, modern, and feeling confident. You can start getting motivated, here.

If you dress well in your personal style, every day, what you wear on video will be a pretty natural transition with attention to how the upper part of your outfit appears through the eye of the camera. When in doubt, less is more, as long as it’s the right cut.

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