
5 Simple Video Marketing Tips for Lawyers and Law Firms

Choosing to do video marketing as a law firm is the best decision you can make to help attract potential clients. Video has shown itself to draw gargantuan results on online marketing campaigns, which has a proven strategy to elevate your brand and establish a more personal connection with prospective clients. Now, more than ever before, people are more likely to select a law firm based upon the quality and presence of their digital presence. This article will go over 5 simple video marketing tips for lawyers and law firms and why video marketing is the best route for them.

Why Video Marketing?

Before we get into the tips and strategies, why is video marketing a good strategy for lawyers and law firms? Well, first of all, many people find lawyers intimidating and hard to reach. Why? Because normally people don’t want to go with a lawyer under normal circumstances. Legal dilemmas can get complicated, which makes people want to avoid them. For a market where people don’t want to reach lawyers, what are the options? It’s video marketing! With the use of video, lawyers can create a direct and personal connection with clients before even meeting them. This lets them show potential clients that they’re not as daunting as they may seem.

At Fotex Labs, we have seen how video marketing helps firsthand. We do all kinds of video recording, such as video testimonials, case studies, and informational videos. We have observed how videos appeal to a larger audience than any other method. Many people prefer getting information from videos rather than reading through an article. Why? Because videos are more engaging for people across different demographics. It’s straightforward and easy on the viewers’ side, as all they have to do is watch.

Video marketing is an excellent tool for all kinds of businesses and markets; however, it is especially beneficial for lawyers and law firms since they would really benefit from creating a connection with the customer. When it comes to legal matters, people easily get stressed. But when people see lawyers have a personable side, they are more likely to want to work with them. People will choose the lawyer they know will clear their minds and be easy to work with.

How Do You Reach People?

Knowing that lawyers and law firms will benefit from video marketing isn’t all there is to it. You have to make an engaging video that will create a connection with potential clients and, most importantly, have that video reach them. What’s the point of having videos if no one watches them? To achieve this, you have to distribute the video through the right channels and ensure it’s reaching the right people. To achieve results, you’ll have to:

  • Distribute the video through traditional and nontraditional channels
  • Promote it on social media
  • Ensure you’re implementing the best video marketing practices

We’ve created a list of 5 simple video marketing tips that will help attract potential clients, boost revenue, and drive solid results:

1. Conduct Keyword Research

Creating videos takes time, money, and effort. That is why it is essential that you start doing things right from the very beginning. The first thing you should do is conduct keyword research to unveil the video content your target audience is searching for. You can do this by going to YouTube and typing in a term associated with your practice areas. YouTube will automatically suggest other terms below the search bar. Those suggestions are potential topics and keywords you can implement in your videos. The ways you can optimize your videos for keywords is by using the focus keyword in:

  • The title of the video
  • The description of the video
  • Naming the video file according to the focus keywords

2. Create Videos that Provide Value

No matter what goal you’re trying to achieve for your firm, it’s vital that your videos are focused on your audience and that they provide as much value and information to your audience as possible. Don’t forget to not make the video too serious and boring. You need to capture people’s attention and keep them engaged. It’s also essential that you show the human side of yourself and show them that you’re amiable and not intimidating. Simply put, your videos should:

  • Create Value – Give people a reason to come back by providing them with the information they want and answering their questions.
  • Get to the Point – In today’s world, people have attention spans of about 10 seconds, so make sure you get to what people want right away.
  • Evoke Emotion – the most successful videos play upon human emotion, such as happiness. Videos with emotions are more likely to be more memorable to the viewers.

Although speaking your thoughts is great, it’s a good idea to create a script to make sure you get all the information you want to transmit mentioned. A good script should:

  • Have a bullet list of general points/topics you’ll cover
  • Introduce the subject right away
  • Be conversational and have smooth transitions
  • Keep sentences short
  • Get to the point
  • Avoid jargon; make it understandable to all. People feel disconnected with lawyers that use words they don’t understand

3. Shoot A High Quality Video

Once you have the setup of your video all structured out, will you then be able to finally start recording. However, it’s not as simple as recording it on your phone and posting it without any edits or quality video recording methods. You have to take into account many elements, such as:

  • The quality of the video
  • The audio of the video
  • The lighting of the place you’re being filmed at
  • The stability of the video

If your video is low quality, dark, and with terrible audio, people will drop the video in no time. Quality is essential in this digital age, so your videos should reflect that with a quality video shoot. If possible, filming with a professional camera is the best way to record. Record yourself in a place with great lighting, and if that’s not possible, then you should invest in a lighting set. Use a mic to ensure that the audio is crisp and make sure the recording is stable and not shaky. Editing the video will be required as captions, trims, and touch-ups are always necessary.

4. Transmit the Video to Potential Clients

Now that your video is created and polished up, can you then transmit the video to potential clients! The more exposure it gets, the more likely it’ll reach your target audience! The point of this strategy is to get people to watch it, so to ensure that it happens, you should expose it to multiple channels such as:

  • Your website – Of course, the people on your website are people that are interested in your services, so having it there is a must! Grab people’s attention immediately and deliver a great first impression right away.
  • YouTube – YouTube has over a billion active users and is considered one of the world’s largest search engines present. YouTube is made for videos and is the primary place people search for them; take advantage of that!

5. Ensure That the Videos are Optimized

To make the most of your video marketing campaign, it requires more than simply uploading the video. Depending on the channel and platforms you’re using, you’ll have to integrate the keywords within the post. That way, your video has more chances of rising up on the search list and getting clicked/tapped on. Components you should implement keywords on when optimizing your videos include:

  • Video title: The title of your video should contain the main target keywords. Just remember that the title should also be compelling and make people interested.
  • Video description: The description should contain keywords and give a general idea of what the video covers
  • Video tags/hashtags: Make sure the tags/hashtags contain the keyword and that the rest are relevant to the topic at hand
  • The video itself: Ensure that you mention the keywords during the video as well. Platforms such as YouTube recognize what you’re saying and judges whether it’s relevant with the title, description, and tags.

Apart from videos helping inform and create direct connections with potential clients, they also are a fantastic tool for boosting your firm’s SEO and generating more traffic to your website. Lawyers and law firms need to make themselves more approachable to people; and videos elicit positive responses from people by displaying that the lawyer is accessible and conscientious. Video marketing should be done consistently for the best results. While a single video can direct a good amount of traffic to your website, consistent content is the optimal way to generate proven SEO results and come out on top. We hope these 5 simple video marketing tips for lawyers and law firms helped you see how you can optimize your video marketing strategy and why it is a great method to implement in this professional area. To learn more about how you can attract more potential customers with video marketing, give Fotex Labs a call at (858) 228-7697 or click here to get in contact with us! We have years of experience in this area and can help your law firm grab the attention of potential clients with the use of an efficacious video marketing campaign.

The post 5 Simple Video Marketing Tips for Lawyers and Law Firms appeared first on Fotex Labs.

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