
When I’m Not Doing SEO » 

Barry Welford
Sometimes I Sit and Think: Sometimes I just Sit

This is one of those meme posts. You know what I mean. Someone tags you and you’re supposed to tag someone else. If it’s someone you know well and like, then you don’t like to break the chain. So here we are.

I was tagged by Kim Krause Berg, usability expert and owner of the Cre8asite Forums, who had been tagged by Barry Schwartz, the energetic owner of SERoundTable. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is such a time-consuming activity now, particularly with all the burgeoning social media (Digg, Sphinn, StumbleUpon, Mixx, etc.), that it can expand to fill whatever time window you give it. That’s why it’s important to budget your time carefully and leave time for the things that are really important in life.

I am constantly surprised by what I see around me and like to write about it. We human beings are often eccentric and there’s a wealth of material. I like words so if I’m not writing then I’m often reading and it can be on a host of subjects. I consume detective thrillers rapidly if I merely want to relax.

What I really like to do is to get out into the open air. We now have two senior Golden Retrievers although both of them have their puppy moments. So that ensures two or three long walks a day. Having just moved to British Columbia, we are also intrigued to see the different birds here as compared with those we saw in Québec.

Having now done my duty, I pass the baton on threefold. Over to you
Ruud Hein
Pierre Far
Paul Flanagan

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