
Video Marketing Tips for Small Businesses – Michael Roach Creative

Small businesses can leverage video marketing in many ways. But first, businesses have to realize that implementing this as a strategy is not a “silver-bullet.” It simply doesn’t happen overnight. It takes consistent work, time, bravery, and serious thinking to organize thoughts and refine them before pressing the “Record” button. Read on to get the video marketing tips small businesses should explore.

Know your “WHY” before exploring video marketing.

From the beginning, small businesses should know why they’re in business. They should also be able to relay their unique selling proposition in front of the camera. For example, are there specific qualities about your business’ products or service that makes you stand out in your industry? Just producing videos that express how great a company is, doesn’t work. Be prepared to say how you can solve your customer’s problems. Or, suggest ways for them to save time and make their life easier. Home improvement retail company, Home Depot, does this well with their “How to Videos and Tips” library. As a business, they produce videos that address customer issues and situations–like how to install a dryer vent, or choosing exterior paint for a home. These videos make Home Depot a source of information and a first choice for home improvement products. Small businesses can do this too with video marketing.

Be authentic. Customers can sense falsehoods in stories.

Small businesses can also share authentic stories that show great successes… and some failures. Businesses can also experiment with humor, especially if their audience might be receptive to it.

A simple outline works in that you can organize what you’ll say and the points you want to touch upon. Once ideas from an outline are refined, develop a script. Perhaps the person on video is good at speaking “off the cuff.” Maybe, reading the script word-for-word is preferable. To see which is best, practice both on and off-camera.

Plan ahead and develop a strategy.

One video won’t cut it for achieving awareness, nurturing customer relationships, or improving customer satisfaction with video content. An overall strategy that considers multiple videos and themes is essential. Putting these videos and their themes onto a calendar or grid helps businesses see their messaging across various pieces of content over time. Planning out video marketing content across a calendar also helps you prepare for costs and resources associated with these kinds of projects. For example, if a small crew is needed for a video marketing project, a business can plan ahead and obtain the people needed to make this a successful venture.

Raise awareness with specific examples.

Achieve awareness with video marketing by being specific about issues or problems that potential customers encounter. Show how the product or service helps all kinds of people from different walks of life. Another way to achieve awareness is by talking about how the business helps the community or the environment. Dove takes a different approach by focusing on self-esteem and beauty. In one of their Dove Stories on YouTube, they profile a young woman named, Jessica. Her story is featured, but with great honesty and sincerity–under the umbrella of style, fashion, identity, and more importantly… beauty. Because Dove profiles women discussing these topics, they embed their brand in the minds of customers.

Companies should also not be afraid to explain that they contribute to their community by providing jobs, supporting youth, or making the environment a better, cleaner place for living.

This kind of awareness can produce a great side-effect for prospective customers, as well as existing customers. After all, people patronize businesses they genuinely like, get to know, and trust. You immediately raise your potential customer’s comfort level by demonstrating value and goodwill.

Start small at first, then scale

Businesses may think they need a Hollywood-sized crew to produce effective marketing videos. This is not true.

Start small, then scale gradually. If you start with an unrealistic, lofty production, you can burn yourself and your team out quickly. By starting small you will also get familiar with the process of video marketing. Successfully finishing a project will give you the extra oomph needed to take on the next video to help market your business.

Technique matters, but so does creativity.

Get familiar with some of the technical aspects of video marketing. It’s great to be technical, but creativity wins and makes video marketing content stand out. Borrow ideas from brands you admire. Notice how they tell a story without overtly selling. Observe how brands use video marketing as a strategy that conveys powerful ideas in a short amount of time while building a loyal audience. Brands keep the narrative going by getting to the point and being clear with their messaging.

Utilize social media to grow your audience.

The best video marketing content will perform poorly if the audience doesn’t see it. Utilize social media to post videos and amplify your message. Pay close attention to each social media channel and their requirements for video length. Include captions that have a reasonable length. Captions should include applicable keywords that add depth or explain what the video is about. Posts with video content can also utilize specific hashtags so users can find the content on their favorite social media platforms. If a business has proficiency in social media marketing, they can boost or promote their own videos so they can target, reach specific groups, and get their content seen.

With an investment in time, some money, and hard work, video marketing can produce stunning results for small businesses. Leveraging this strategy elevates your business and makes you stand out.

Have questions about video marketing and storytelling for small businesses? Send a note and let’s chat about your next video project.

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