The popularity of video marketing is growing by leaps and bounds. In fact, it has become a marketing tool that no business should overlook. Video marketing has become a necessity in business because it works. Today’s consumers have everything available to them at the click of a button. Video marketing is the ideal way to get important information about your business to them quickly and in a format they prefer. If you are not an expert at video marketing, there is no need to fret. Here are some great video marketing tips that will help you get started and going in the right direction.
DO Be Smart About the First Few Seconds
When creating a video, you have a limited amount of time in which to get your point across. You cannot waste any of it. Your first few seconds are crucial for drawing your audience in. Bring your story to life, let your audience know what the video is about and that watching it is not a waste of time. Use this time to present an alluring hook that will draw the audience in and give them a preview of what is to come.
DO Tell a Story
Video is not the best avenue for selling your products or services. Instead, use it as a vehicle for telling stories. Save the selling for another time, and instead focus on sharing information that will help you connect with the viewers on some level. When you place your video on social media, it will compete with entertainment videos. You need to vie for your audience’s attention with compelling content. Share stories about yourself and why you started your business. Find common bonds that will bring you and your customers together. This is especially true when making videos for Facebook.
DON’T Make These Common Mistakes
Ready to take the leap and try your hand at video marketing? You may encounter some trouble along the way, especially if you are new to it. Be vigilant, and avoid some of these common mistakes.
As you create your video marketing campaign, don’t:
Video marketing is not a fad. It is an important tool that can help you advance your business. Use these video marketing tips to embrace it and take your business to the next level.
Need assistance getting your video marketing campaign off the ground? Contact Technology Aloha today!