
Top 5 Video Marketing Tips for 2020

This quick video was created as a follow-up to an email we sent to all of our clients and customers on the final day of 2019. The subject of the email was “Two Words for 2020: Photos & Footage”. Our attempt was to draw attention to the power of video and visuals in our next decade, and why dedicating more time and resources to video production could generate significant return on investment.

A useful transcript of the video follows below!

Top 5 Video Marketing Strategies for 2020 Transcription:

Good Day FranFocus Friends and Clients!

Patrick Conley with you.

Happy New Year to you all!

I’ve got some information here that I want to provide.

I want to take about five minutes of your time and go through the Top Five Tips that I have suggested for our Priorities for 2020. Two keywords to remember for 2020, friends:

Photos and Footage

This started off as an email that I sent to our clients and other people that are considering becoming clients of FranFocus, just last week. One week ago – talking about photos and footage, and the importance of using video in the New Year and the POWER of video.

What I didn’t show was a lot of facts and figures, so let’s start with a few “News Flashes”as I like to use.

Contrary to popular belief, we can focus on relevant information for longer than a goldfish. You might recall m maybe six – eight months ago that was quite the topic of conversation on the news media about how we’ve all devolved into having brains that have nothing more than a goldfishes attention span. So, the good news is that if you go to this Entrepreneur.com article, you’ll find that our ability to focus has actually IMPROVED dramatically over the years. We’ve become very adept at eliminating information that is no longer relevant for us, but one of the keys to engagement are Great Stories and Highly Compelling Visuals. So when I talk about “Photos & Footage” I want you to think about that as you get ready to have an annual conference, or maybe if you’ve got a Discovery Day coming up, or something along those lines where you can shoot some quick video, you can take some photographs and use them to your advantage going further.

Where both video and text are available to consumers, 72% of people would rather use VIDEO to learn about a product or service.

This isn’t going to be very surprising for very many people. If I have the choice between watching a two minute video or reading a 1,000 word blog post, I am going to watch the 2 minute video. At least for the first 30-60 seconds, so long as that video is compelling.

This is going to be true across the board, and we’re not talking about just b2c, we’re talking about business-to-business as well.

Last News Flash I want to share with you – this one is kind of old; this one goes back to 2016 and a study that was done. But basically video on landing pages can increase CONVERSION by 80%,. So if lead generation is one of your key targets for 2020, if you want to do more with less traffic or if you paying more per click -like everyone is- you need to be doing as much as possible to get conversion.

So if you’re using landing pages without video, or if your HOME PAGE on your website still has no video, that is a problem. And if will be a challenge for you to get lead conversion.

So, what do I have in terms of my Top 5 Video Marketing Strategies for 2020? Five different things, and most of these you’ll find are pretty related to people who are in the franchise opportunities industry or business opportunities industry, but its really relevant for ANY company out there.


If you don’t have a 30-60-90 second video that says who you are, and why you are different from your competition, you’re really missing out. Not only can you use these videos on your home page, you can use them on local landing pages, you can use it on social media, and you can use it within emails as well. You can’t embed videos within emails, but you can install an animated GIF that links to your video and that’s basically going to accomplish the same thing. It’s going to get eyeballs on your video, which is important to establishing credibility and urgency for what your brand is about.


Going forward, if you are already blogging to your website three times, four times a month, turn at least ONE of those per month into a video. What you’ll want to do is create the video, post it to your blog, but also provide a transcription of what that video says. Don’t just copy verbatim from the SRT file: Edit it a little bit, clean it up, and embed links to relevant sources so that you’re not just copying and pasting your close caption file, but you’re actually making it more beneficial. Link out to the sources you’re referencing within your video.


These are HUGE. If you’re battling due diligence, or your battling validation issues with potential customers, a testimonial video that goes out as an automated marketing process, part of your drip campaigns with your emails is huge. It could turn the tide in terms of sales and conversions.


Everybody has a website and what you’ll find if you looked at your web analytics is that you’ll have five to seven pages that are the most relevant to the visitors coming to your website. What I’m suggesting is, going forward in 2020, is that we not just have those 5-7 pages that help people validate, but we also provide validation videos on EACH of those pages. If you want to know what that looks like, I highly encourage you to go to FranFocus.com. I did this FIVE years ago – every single page on FranFocus.com has a validation video attached to it. So if you’re the type of person who wants to read the information, that’s available. If you’re the type of person who wants to watch a video, that’s available to you as well. That’s what validation videos do.

Last but not least,


If in 2019 you had a hard time getting people to return your calls and respond to your emails, what I’m going to recommend in 2020 is a simple 20-40 second Thank You video. Take your iPhone, take your smartphone put it on a tripod and shoot a video that says; “Thanks for your interest in our opportunity. I’m going to be getting back to you myself. My name is so and so. Here’s my email address. Here’s my phone numbers. I’m going to call you within the next 24-48 hours.” Those kinds of videos can completely turn the tide on your REACH RATE by up to 50%. Without those Thank You videos you’re nothing but a random number coming through on their phone, or an email that might go through to their spam box. But you need to have those Thank You videos out there on Thank You pages.

Those are your Top 5 Video Marketing Strategies for 2020!

Please keep in mind that Video Marketing is a lot more than just putting out videos. One of the things that we do at FranFocus is truly focus on the video analytics – we look at drop-off points for viewers, and we also encourage what we call Engagement Enhancement Edits (EEE). Which is, we look at your videos; if you’ve got a two or three minute video out there, we look to see where those drop off points are and then we encourage edit reviews of the video. So we might say, we’re loosing everyone at 26 second mark, so we need to make some adjustments here. Or people who do not have the audio on are dropping out, so we need to have on-screen graphics. Those are the kind of reviews that we do when we talk about video marketing and video analytics.

If you’ve got a video that’s out there that needs some attention, or you’re not really sure whether it’s a good video or a bad video, what I’m offering for the people that have actually watch this video all the way through to this six minute mark is a free video analytics review. Give me a call or send email; patrick at franfocus.com. .

Thank you very much for your time and attention.

Once again, have a wonderful 2020 and we look forward to speaking with you, and helping you in anyway we can with video marketing in the future.

The post Top 5 Video Marketing Tips for 2020 appeared first on FranFocus.

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