Shane Barker: Welcome to the podcast. I am Shane Barker, your host of Shane Barker’s Marketing Madness Podcast. I have with me Jeff Bullas, a successful digital entrepreneur, keynote speaker and bestselling author.
Jeff was named one of the number one global content marketing influencers of 2008. He is a perfect fit for today’s session on the best of content marketing. We’ll discuss the key pillars of successful content marketing.
Listen, as Jeff reveals, how important is to amplify the reach of your best content and also discover the secret sauce behind his exceptional success as a marketer. Really excited about having you on the podcast today, Jeff.
Why don’t you tell the audience, anybody who might not know about you, which I’m sure that’s a very small percentage of people, hopefully that listen to the podcast.
Where did you grow up? Give us a little background about Jeff.
Jeff Bullas: I’m from Australia, so I speak with a strange accent. For some other people around the world it’s an Aussie accent with a touch of English, I suppose, because I was raised in a little city called Adelaide, which wasn’t settled by convicts, whereas Sydney was, which is where I now live. So, I grew up in Adelaide and then I had the fun stuff.
You know, my dad had escaped but we had a lot of fun growing up as teenagers. I did my high school there. Then I did a teaching degree just near Sydney and New South Wales. That is, I suppose, the most…