You can’t approach an advertising campaign haphazardly.
That’s one of the main lessons learned in this conversation with Depesh Mandalia. Depesh is a successful social media marketer and advertiser and has boosted the popularity of a children’s book project through his use of Facebook Ads and other social marketing. In this episode, Depesh shares some of the things he learned when working on the “Lost My Name” book advertising campaign so that you can learn how to avoid the mistakes he made and make your advertising campaign the best it can be from the start.
You’ve got to have patience in the exploration phase of Facebook Ads.
As with any advertising campaign you’ve got to approach Facebook Ads cautiously and with a good deal of patience. The platform requires a good deal of time for you to troubleshoot and tweak your advertisements – including the wording and images. It’s a process of honing your offer so that it strikes a chord with those you are targeting. Depesh shares why it took 6 weeks to get the advertising campaigns for the “Lost My Name” project refined to the point it began converting – and shares his best practices with you.
Are you selling your book or the adventure your book represents?
Most authors are not adept at advertising or social media marketing. That’s fine. You’re a writer first and foremost. But if you’re going to tackle your own advertising campaigns to increase your book sales you have to be aware that you’re not really selling a book – you’re selling the adventure or experience your book provides to the reader. Depesh shares how he discovered that subtle nuance to marketing that began converting his prospects into customers – and how you can determine the same kind of appeal for your marketing and advertising campaigns.
In 2016 there’s no excuse for not getting a better understanding of your customer.
With the advent of Facebook advertising and other social media platforms there really is no excuse for not knowing who your ideal customer is. You can use the platformsto drill down into the data of who’s using and viewing the products and services your book is most closely associated with. When you do, you’ll be able to place your sales pitch or advertisement right in front of them. Once that’s done your only task is to refine your offer until they are enticed to click through and purchase. Depesh shares how to do exactly that in this episode.
You should avoid making generalizations and look at the facts.
When creating an advertising campaign you may think that you know who your ideal customer is. But Depesh says that you’re likely wrong. When he began helping with the advertising for the “Lost My Name” book project, the entire team believed that they would need to target parents. But by looking at the data they accumulated during the campaign they discovered that the people actually purchasing their books were not parents – but grandparents. The demographic data showed it very clearly. That changed the way they approached their marketing and soon their book sales began to soar as they targeted an older set of people. You can find out how Depesh recommends using the data to find your ideal purchaser by checking out this episode of the Self Publishing Formula podcast.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:24] Today’s episode: Facebook Advertising and today’s guest Depesh Mandalia.
- [4:25] How Depesh got started using Facebook Ads.
- [5:17] The children’s book project Depesh used Facebook Ads to promote.
- [6:48] One of the reasons Depesh believed Facebook Ads would work for them.
- [10:30] The hurdles the team needed to overcome to make the campaign successful.
- [14:27] Why children’s authors have to approach things differently.
- [24:29] Do the same techniques work in various markets?
- [26:10] Different ways of approaching effective marketing.
- [29:00] The mechanics of discovering a NPS score.
- [30:32] Lessons being learned from other social platforms.
- [34:10] Key tactics recommended for your campaigns.
- [39:14] Why social media will continue to grow.
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
- Connect with Depesh on LinkedIn
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