
SEM Campaigns: 10 Y’s Campaign Plan for Google Ads – Step 10. Testify | OptFirst | We Increase Calls, Leads and Sales with SEO, Google Ads and Paid Social

SEM Campaigns: 10 Y’s Campaign Plan for Google Ads – Step 10. Testify

If you’ve accomplished the initial goals set out in Step 1, don’t you want to tell  everyone about your success?  That’s why you have to testify, Step 10 in the 10 Y’s Campaign Plan for Google Ads. 

Share the success with your team or client and get ready for the next phase.  But keep in mind, this isn’t just to show off (maybe a little), it’s to discuss how to take the initial success you’ve attained and reach even higher.  

Now that you’ve experienced the process first-hand and have the knowledge, it’s set up new campaign goals. 

These will become easier to strategize now that everyone understands what to do and what to expect. Listen to the suggestions of everyone involved and keep the steps in mind to develop a path to achieve them. 

The 10 Y’s SEM Plan creates a constantly evolving process to continually improve any SEM campaigns, so keep these tools in hand. 

Have you shared these simple steps to SEM success with your colleagues?

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